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Home sweet Home and it’s Saskatchewan day.

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    Home sweet Home and it’s Saskatchewan day.

    I love summers in Saskatchewan and yes I just got home late, late Saturday, but did do a little crop checking tour and finally ended up at the lake. Went from city to Kenosee lake then up to Yorkton and over to Roblin then up to Madge and supper in Canora before getting home to the lake. Wow shit changed in the 10 days I was gone.

    Still some wow crops and right across the road like WTF did he do to oh that’s bad and ah average crop coming.

    Some in the ghetto are spraying peas and barley is changing . Canola done flowering on most south of highway one.

    North every thing from done to full bloom. Nicest 10 out of 10 north of Roblin.

    Shittiest is the organic guy at melville. Why are you still farming and who is backing you they must like the tax losses. Solid thistle is that a crop.

    Some need rain and some need less rain.

    Hay is poor in some areas and great in others.

    One thing rural Saskatchewan or any western province has nice clean healthy great outdoors and we should be proud of this. We might be fly over provinces to Trudeau and the climate fools but I’ll take our great outdoors any day over Toronto or Vancouver or any large city.

    You can bike all you want and pretend to do something but it’s still a concrete jungle.

    Climate scam is just that.

    So on this provincial Holliday enjoy our grand province.

    Happy Saskatchewan day!

    You ask why do you farm of the organic guy. Yes some have poor to average crops,but how many of those bushels on the good farmers fields did he buy,just what is the ROI on each operation.
    I prefer to not fert,spray to the max ,if I buy half my crop from the dealers am I any farther ahead?? Mabey that mediocre crop is a money maker after all.And a lot less imputs so a lot less risk,and stress.


      We all watch our spending if you want to continue to try to make a living farming in canada.

      But take a drive and it’s real easy to find the fields they are the ones that are 90% thistle and 10% crop. It’s a shit show that is ruining good grain land.

      Organic is native word for poor hunter.

      Ah Saskatchewan wide open sky’s and fresh air bees are happy in the organic guys fields with all the flowers for pollination



        Originally posted by SASKFARMER View Post
        We all watch our spending if you want to continue to try to make a living farming in canada.

        But take a drive and it’s real easy to find the fields they are the ones that are 90% thistle and 10% crop. It’s a shit show that is ruining good grain land.

        Organic is native word for poor hunter.

        Ah Saskatchewan wide open sky’s and fresh air bees are happy in the organic guys fields with all the flowers for pollination

        While your opinion of that organic farmer may be true....it takes all kinds....for whatever reason he may be working for the chemical companies more than you know....where else do they get seeds to put into canola at their allowable 5 percent....or the pure weed seed to test chemicals...?????

        We are all in this together....
        Last edited by bucket; Aug 5, 2019, 09:10.


          It’s Saskatchewan day.

          I just don’t like weed infested crap. 40000 acres of crap.

          But yes we’re all trying to make a living.

          Now the northern lakes look really clean and funny how rain lifted the flow on the white sand river.

          Wide open country side, Fresh air and sunshine beats concrete and pollution any day hands down.

          I can’t post pictures today and I had some real nice ones. Click on the tab it looks like it wants to and nothing. Rebooted phone still nothing. Oh well it’s a holiday piss on social media.


            Originally posted by SASKFARMER View Post
            It’s Saskatchewan day.

            I just don’t like weed infested crap. 40000 acres of crap.

            But yes we’re all trying to make a living.

            Now the northern lakes look really clean and funny how rain lifted the flow on the white sand river.

            Wide open country side, Fresh air and sunshine beats concrete and pollution any day hands down.

            I can’t post pictures today and I had some real nice ones. Click on the tab it looks like it wants to and nothing. Rebooted phone still nothing. Oh well it’s a holiday piss on social media.
            Probably more money in weeds seeds than growing food grain....maybe they feed it to crickets...

            There was a bug a few years back that came in and stripped the thistles...

            You can't research this shit and get funding without a reliable source of seeds or a place to try out the theories...


              Hate to burst the bubble people but yes there are some organic people that have fields like that I ve seen them but I ve also seen some good ones and farmers doing very well in organic.
              35 bucks a bushel flax with 20 to 25 bushels yield on summerfallow every 3 or 4 years adds up pretty good.

              Many of those farmers also have said fk it to the input costs which I don’t see as such a bad idea either. I m sitting here with a big *** bill for everything from fancy canola seed to sprays which I had to do on a crop I know is good for shit. My small organic side due to drought is just as shitty but I have no where near rhe cost involved and no input dealer looking cross eyed at me. Maybe if the whole world of farmers had less yield due to not using the fancy chemical shit we d all get paid a bit more since what less we grow would be highly desired so as to not start wars over famine.


                Put every chemical on by the book and I still have acres of crap. Mustard in fing everything. Guys fighting wild oats, cleavers.

                I dont want to give any ammo to the haters but you can clearly see the big input model is floundering and weed resistance is growing. 3 passes with fungicide in lentils. You cant tell me there is not money in going back to 1/3 2/3rd chem fallow and cutting these inputs down and having less land to get over.

                Think about a typical rented or mortgaged quarter section. You are running 120 acres of it for the bank and input companies.


                  Well said big wheel,and jazz. just who are we working for ourselves or the corps? How many bu of that 50 bu canola crop goes directly to imputs,and when you cant do all the work yourself how much of production goes into employees,and added expences, we dont all want to be world beaters so to each his own.


                    Originally posted by Horse View Post
                    Well said big wheel,and jazz. just who are we working for ourselves or the corps? How many bu of that 50 bu canola crop goes directly to imputs,and when you cant do all the work yourself how much of production goes into employees,and added expences, we dont all want to be world beaters so to each his own.
                    Very few if any world beaters on this forum. Most just doing what’s best for their farms , big or small .
                    The “world beaters” don’t waste their time on Agriville, they would just get beat up constantly by the haters lol .


                      I would like to share something that may help our attitudes towards others crops. I had very uneven and varied emergence in all my crops, but especially the flax. My crops are a weedy mess. Here is why.

                      When you have half the field up and away, and the other half waiting for rain, and it does finally rain, it is a screwy issue to try to time spraying. On each field my preferred herbicide ended up being out of stage for either the first emerged or last. I was scared to harm one or the other. When you have flax six inches tall, and some starting to bloom, it is hard to time it. When some oats is late shot blade and some three leaf stage,, timing is really hard. I ended up using weak herbicides to keep the crop alive. The result is not good.

                      So before you go bashing guys for having weedy messes, take into account that they may have had an issue like this.

                      On the other note. I used to be a very high input farm. I was cutting edge where guys asked me to scout with them and I had top ten percent crops in the district.

                      And then the wet years came. Having little land equity started to show its ugly face. Final nail in the coffin was leaving 50 bushel canola and 65 bushel (measured by crop insurance) faba bean over winter in 2015.

                      When you have little to fall back on (paid for land), to pull you through times like that, a real long run of poor years topped off by unharvestable crop due to rain, it changes perspectives

                      I am now a more middle ground input guy. Far too risky now. The other thing is inputs are so ridiculous expensive now compared to when I started farming in the 90’s, so over time it gets hard to justify high inputs.

                      Had things clicked, had I harvested that canola and faba, I would have probably still been a high inputter!


                        Also, acres of barley and wheat especially that were sprayed for wild oats, but when it rained a new flush came and now they are pushing up above the crop. Not much one can do about that...


                          Originally posted by Sheepwheat View Post
                          Also, acres of barley and wheat especially that were sprayed for wild oats, but when it rained a new flush came and now they are pushing up above the crop. Not much one can do about that...
                          Sheep .... it’s much the same in many areas , the extremely dry spring in areas until mid / late June made it challenging for a lot of producers.... your not alone by no means .
                          It was an an extremely challenging spring for establishment and weed control in a huge area.
                          Any little inconsistencies lead to exaggerated issues . One of those years


                            Originally posted by bucket View Post
                            Probably more money in weeds seeds than growing food grain....maybe they feed it to crickets...

                            There was a bug a few years back that came in and stripped the thistles...

                            You can't research this shit and get funding without a reliable source of seeds or a place to try out the theories...
                            Those are painted lady butterfly worm stage
                            Real problem in borage
                            Cleaning volunteer borage outta canola this year


                              Originally posted by Sheepwheat View Post
                              Also, acres of barley and wheat especially that were sprayed for wild oats, but when it rained a new flush came and now they are pushing up above the crop. Not much one can do about that...
                              Don't lose any sleep over it.
                              Top notch farmer who I will readily admit grows better crops than me has wheat full of canola this year.


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