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Government aid may be needed for canola growers,

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    Government aid may be needed for canola growers,

    News story out of Albert says gov aid may be needed for canola growers.

    But one thing they keep talking about is the massive amount of canola in under ground storage. Ok that was a joke but why when canola was $11.25 last year would you as a farmer sit on canola and look for higher amount. This is a marketing page so here it is are you a complete moron or was your canola that ****ing poor that it was getting down graded and you couldn’t sell.

    I stored canola for a few years in small bins you always loose some. Grow it in a 50000 or 75000 bin and maybe more problems.

    So what does the gov do they give farmers a Cash Advance wow more debt for farms already swimming in debt.

    Now this is a Alberta story so you have to ad a adjustment factor for the area that doesn’t grow any more canola per acre than we do but has land values that are 3 times ours for extra costs. Yes freight is cheaper.

    I will question the bullshit that guys are storing mountains of canola till I’m dead and in the ground. It’s bullshit. Any one who farms in todays ag with million dollar drills and combines and quarters etc has to generate cash flow. If you don’t your banker will eventually tell you you have to sell something.

    Now lots who took the cash advance will realize it’s tied to your stored grain and your crap insurance. If it freezes and you have a claim they get paid first. Then tell me about cash flow. Some wrecks will happen with that program that wasn’t well thought out. Also you have to farm a lot to get the million dollars, look it up. It was done to divide Canadians and make the city people hate us even more. Trudeau won.

    So will they actually do anything right on the canola file.

    They screwed it up with the Chinese lady and then made it look like it was a science area.

    Our canola council and reps screwed it up listening to the fed bullshit and doing nothing.

    I think we are screwed on this file a year has almost gone by and still nothing. If Bombardier lots jet deals to a country within hours they would get compensation to help them. Farmers get a ****ing loan.

    I think we’ll get jack shit. You have mountains of grain sell it or Trudeau will do like his father and give us the finger.

    But But But.......Ralph said there was help coming "soon" back in May.....its even in the western producer....


      Didnt you see the CBC last night? Farmers bad for environment. Liberal/UN plan is to turn farm land back to grass lands, we all move to the city, earn 40k a year, and stand in line for govt handouts. turn us all into Liberal/UN supporters. Before you know it you will be volunteering to pound in Liberal, NDP election signs on your street.


        Originally posted by MBgrower View Post
        Didnt you see the CBC last night? Farmers bad for environment. Liberal/UN plan is to turn farm land back to grass lands, we all move to the city, earn 40k a year, and stand in line for govt handouts. turn us all into Liberal/UN supporters. Before you know it you will be volunteering to pound in Liberal, NDP election signs on your street.
        Grassland not grazed does not help the environment....I know I wasn't around when the buffalo roamed but a few lightning strikes on grasslands and you might have a major carbon plume....

        They also say when the buffalo moved on it was like summer fallow....so it renewed itself ...

        I don't know this for fact but if you idle grassland without cattle.... fire/ carbon emissions become a problem...


          Originally posted by MBgrower View Post
          Didnt you see the CBC last night? Farmers bad for environment. Liberal/UN plan is to turn farm land back to grass lands, we all move to the city, earn 40k a year, and stand in line for govt handouts. turn us all into Liberal/UN supporters. Before you know it you will be volunteering to pound in Liberal, NDP election signs on your street.
          Pretty hard to encourage a kid to farm with news stories like that....

          But they are still on the "feed the world" nonsense....why doesn't the UN put things in place to feed the world ??????????????


            We don’t need help , we need leadership to fix the current trade issues and get back into China , India and others that have slammed the door on our face


              Didn't you get the memo.
              Family law lawyers seeking hidden grain stash because most non farm accountants can't understand how we file. It's got to be here somewhere and I get to pay for them to look.
              "Farmers are millionaires""Farmers get away with murder". "How many billion handout are you Farmers getting now?"
              "Depreciation is an investment"
              I've heard them all and recently too.
              I say screw everybody and buy your foreign food at Walmart.

              I do however have a landlord who upon retiring, hid some canola. Stay tuned lol.

              On another matter. Elizabeth May promising $300million to support unions and workers for retraining when oil shut off in 2030.
              Eleven years from now.
              I believe farming as we know it doesn't stand a chance. Our grandfather's wouldn't recognize it. We'll be harder pressed still to recognize it in 50 years.


                Can Elizabeth May explain how we will farm our fields in 2031??????

                She should go have another drink or whatever drug she is on.....


                  . It was done to divide Canadians and make the city people hate us even more.

                  Probably not, but that's the result.
                  We're stupid.


                    Cash advances are over a month behind


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