I tend to work on KISS principle a bit. But have livestock which complicates things or makes it easier??
Sow a crop called vetch you may call it tares thats one break crop keep weeds out of it best you can and graze other legume is lupins on sand and canola as a standing crop. My three sown break crops. Other medic/clover pastures.
But swing australia wide is more diverse rotations lentils beans peas lupins canola mustard chickies and supposedly world leader in breeding of lentils for dry climates. New chems coming online and old chems being relooked at so medium to high rainfall areas of aust cropping looks great.
Dreir areas like mine diversify with stock added.
Every farm is different as is farmers attitude to risk enthusiasm soil type frost risk etc etc
Sow a crop called vetch you may call it tares thats one break crop keep weeds out of it best you can and graze other legume is lupins on sand and canola as a standing crop. My three sown break crops. Other medic/clover pastures.
But swing australia wide is more diverse rotations lentils beans peas lupins canola mustard chickies and supposedly world leader in breeding of lentils for dry climates. New chems coming online and old chems being relooked at so medium to high rainfall areas of aust cropping looks great.
Dreir areas like mine diversify with stock added.
Every farm is different as is farmers attitude to risk enthusiasm soil type frost risk etc etc