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Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

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    Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

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    Well as we get into the last stretch of August the weather hasn't really been very good to push the crop along. Except for four very cool nights and playing the game watch the weather station and drink. Some passed out because it was every 15 min and the temp dropped so fast it wasn't funny. Our area got to zero on the Saturday night south of town but north stayed above. the elevation is higher. I did see in our low spots south by town a touch of frost on the canola pods but under the canopy good. So low areas might have a big swath but small amounts will come in hopper.

    Ok the crap report for the past week.

    HRS some farmers have started Harvest Management Plus south of the valley but north only a few have. We have one quarter done plus a half on another and i went home. Too early and just like Trudeau its not ready. The wheat has some fusarium showing up but very min and you have to search for it. Did it pay to spray this year not sure as all tests fields show very little difference in plant and leaf and seed but harvest will tell.
    I still think late HRS will be the better crop as early set yield in 3 to 5 leaf and it was very dry. But will the late miss the frost. Weather turns wet from tonight on till next Monday or Tuesday. Something funny is happening as we had calls last week for $5.99 premium for old #1 13.5 hrs. Are they filling the bins and they will mix and make out like bandits and farmers will get the shaft. Hrs needs 10 days in our area till all will be moving.

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    Barley a few just started to swath but probably didn't check the weather report of heavy rain for our area. The five day window is maybe 24 hr window. A lot of feed barley was grown in our area. Guys figured feed price and higher yield give big returns i guess. All barley looks good to great and most will be getting it harvested either way next week after the rain event. I still think malt varieties are just about same on yield as feed ones for our area.

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    Flax the disaster dirty crop. It is one crop that just never came back. Oh wildcats and every weed did come but the flax never did recover. Some should be just baled and called a day.

    Peas some harvest has happened and fields that weren't peas for 8 years or never seeded to peas are doing very very well. Our soil tests for disease in last years pea fields are finding some amazing shit. Like a new form or fusarium in the ground plus yes the pea disease. A 8 year rule should be common practice. Viper damage did hurt some crops again with the cold spring temps. I have one ugly, yes peas 4 years ago one a 10 never peas and two good 6 year apart.

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    Lentil harvest is happening south of the valley full bore and north just a few grew so just starting. Crop looks very very short south of the valley. But way less rain this year.

    Oats is the one crop like i said before looks to have burnt a bit during the hot spell at beginning of August.
    Late are very green.

    Canola has some frost damage on later crop but min and fields still flowering didn't slow down with cool nights. Late will be way thicker if it makes it two to three more weeks. Lots of horror reports of massive bins getting sent back or mixed off because of heated grain. Big bins little bins it was a rough harvest and harvesting canola at 10 to 12 and not moving doesn't work unless its dried an monitored. Yes we get caught a lot do it happens canola is a funny crop. This year with all the Kochia that's coming in the crops could be dynamite. Early is shorter late is taller and better podded. We need heat and two more weeks on our farm for a good result. Others need a month.

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    Pastures are holding up well and second cut fields will do better than first. Also old fields had the biggest issues. Now guys who set aside a field for green field are smiling very well.

    continued due to 5 photo rule.

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    Peas south of valley.

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    Green feed.

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    Barley harvest at Kamsack full bore.

    The fall election is a big worry for a lot of us from western canada every day the Trudeau gov. does something to **** with us. This week they gave a dairy industry based in Quebec billions for trade damage that amounted to piss all. Yet western Canadian farmers get screwed over and over by the Trudeau gov on trade and we get a ****ing loan. Its sad and the biggest part i am starting to think ontario and quebec will vote this fool in again. Some say oh well we will deal with it. No i honestly think powerful western people are thinking enough is enough and a vote will happen to say good bye. Sad that the second coming of Trudeau ****ed the country. Phone every relative friend in the east and say wake the **** up. Ralph will go down in Regina as people are not talking nice about the traitor anymore. Bye bye.

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    So to put the week in perspective. Frost or cool temps happened for 4 out of 7 of the last week nights. A rain event is on way and cooler temps continue. Its August we should be 26 not 21. Lots of farmers are taking the next week to 10 off or just avoiding looking at the crop. No one wants to go early and starring at the weather station or crop is not healthy. Yes harvest prep is happening. Machines are getting fixed and ready on all farms. Newest thing from the most useless dealership in the west is a product specialist comes out to piss away on average 4 hours per combine or tractor or drill or whatever he or she is appraising so you can get a fair price on your trade. HAHAHAHAHAHA they still come up with Auction sale price for your trade minus the useless stupid high price of new shit thats worthless after one season. Go back to Vancouver your getting old and have taken good dealerships and ****ED THEM UP.

    We will go the new lime green line very soon and thats on one of the most green farms around for 4 generation.

    Get your shit together.

    So watch for power lines ours are getting put under ground further out in the field nice cost Sask. power but worth it.

    Be safe and remember they are working over time to screw you on price etc. shop around wheat should be $5.99 for #1 13.5 and peas shouldn't be dropping to $5.35. Its a shit show on price and guess who's profit will go up not the ****ING farmer.

    Have a great week I am off to Edmonton for a 65th anniversary so big crop tour is happening. Nexus card also.


      Oh to guys like Assheadack see the guy spraying the wheat with a plane field its dead ripe but the weeds are green outside two rounds done with ground rig thats Harvest management Plus.


        The best investment we might have to make after skippy gets in again is a total SOB accountant to protect ourselves because its going to be outright theft of the west. Capital gains will be the target. He gave $50m for a park in Montreal yesterday, gave the chinese a 42B LNG contract and spent almost $6B in two weeks in the east.

        I mean WTF are we into here? We have to sit and watch this? Kenny is talking some shit but I hear the movement is pretty disorganized so I dont expect much to come out of it for a while. I was too young in the first Trudeau years and he fd the west but was it anything like this?

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        Last edited by jazz; Aug 22, 2019, 07:38.


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          It's amazing how skippy has spent billions in the last two weeks and the media keep telling us how great the fool is. Money well spent i say on the media in this country.

          The first Trudeau had a brain but the second is a ****ing idiot.

          Sad part all of his cabinet ministers are not the brightest and the best a country needs. Yes some have very good degrees but reality is they didn't learn much.


            Moderators for elections debates. if you dont know who these liberal suck ups are, I will help you, CBC, Global, Toronto (Red) Star and socialist marxist rag website HuffPost. How much further can you rig an election?

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              All done to shore up the women vote that has been slipping. He is one slippery mother ****er.

              Andrew goes after Trudeau at the debates too hard and he cry's, Trudeau Wins hands down.


                Cold windy EAST WIND Morning. Wow.

                Oh and yes if we have a win for the cons nothing much will change with china as the damage will take years to repair.

                As for anything coming to western Canadian farmers nothing will happen.

                Its canada a shit hole place.


                  Bly looks over 100.
                  Canola North will cancel out all poor crops..
                  How much do we need without China?


                    Wheat won’t touch our last years yield. Quality could be a 2 but probably a 3.

                    Canola needs two weeks if your betting person I’ll bet on frost this year next Thursday.

                    Barley is good yes but not sure better than last.

                    Peas two good two not.

                    We had a barn burner last year so that’s what I’m comparing to

                    We’re very late.

                    Time is not on our side.


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