Originally posted by farmaholic
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Hail and fire and some do frost.
forgotten other questions yes its a low rainfall area but beautiful soil he is third generation i think, when they have a bumper year they have a bumper. But to far between.
This guys has no stock.
Probably others in the area that have stock only and no crop its not to far to "station" country.
Last year a very poor year this year shocking.
It a vetch crop sown on stubble for hay i beleive, thinking it didnt germinate and incessant winds.
Of course you dont like pondering and asking questions.
Theres a fair junk of his area same or worse and plenty of NSW and Southern qld bad but maybe not quite so erodable.
This guy is a "A" listed farmer.
Reckon i covered your queries.
My ranch were on 194mm for year were about dead on average but bear in mind last year dreist on record and little if any subsoil moisture so not any gas left in tank.
According to experts my yield potential if normal rain occurs and no frosts is 1.8 to 2 t/ha.
Forecast are for drying trend but my area we keep getting 3 to 7 mm falls every 10 to 14 or so days so we keep getting toopped up. Mid sept to oct we change from winter to summer , spring hasnt really happened to much in last 15 yrs. Go from high teen low twenties to low thirtys in space of about a 2 weeks no gradual warming.