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Accept the dare

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    Accept the dare

    Fjlip wrote:
    "Trudeau put a carbon tarrif on everything and for no reason and then he charged GST on the tax. Talk about that dml. Dare you "

    Bucket wrote: "Don't worry about DML talking about it...Why isn't Scheer getting media time on it...thats a bit of a worry that Scheer isn't...."

    on another tread and I do not want to change the topic on that thread so I will respond here.

    I do not like the carbon tax either. It will cost me money. However, the Liberals clearly campaigned and were elected on a platform promised action on climate change. Most Canadians still believe climate change is a problem and want governments to do something about climate change. The Liberal plan, by putting a price on carbon, is a proven method of reducing consumption by higher cost of carbon. Yes, if consumption is not or in the case of farming cannot be reduced, the costs of all products and services derived from that consumption increase . That is where the proceeds of the carbon tax should have gone. Payments for people dependant on carbon that cannot reduce consumption - like farmers. And the Liberals have done a terrible job in making the tax revenue neutral and for that reason it should be scrapped until the details are worked out. Exactly the same with the lack of transparency that happened after the ending of the wheat board. In both cases the intent was good but incomplete and no follow-up to address the problems.

    Second. The Conservative climate change targets are exactly the same as the Liberals. However instead of a visible carbon tax, they are going to penalize large emitters. Do you honestly believe that those large emitters that suddenly have massive bills for emissions are not going to increase their costs to their consumers and those costs will not be passed on down the line exactly the same way the carbon tax is? The conservative climate change plan also calls for providing incentives for climate change friendly actions. Tell me, who is going to take advantage of those incentives that can be earned if they spend money improving homes and businesses.... the young people with debt and mortgages or persons and businesses with spare cash to burn already? And everyone that pays taxes will be paying for those incentives yet it the richest who can earn the most of them. Another government plan for taxing everyone for the benefit of a few.
    Cry all you want about the Liberal carbon tax, but I prefer that to a hidden taxes that the Conservatives plan to implement. I just demand the Liberals rebate the tax to those who cannot afford it, starting with farmers.

    Third, posters on here cry about the carbon tax making them uncompetitive and putting them out of business. Look at charts of gas prices over the last ten years and I dare you to count the number of times gas has increased by more than 5 cents a litre, yet farmers are still around. And businesses passed on those higher energy prices just as they pass on the carbon tax. Even more interesting, I am willing to bet by shopping around you can find a 5 cent a litre difference on any day between fuel suppliers. So if 5 cent carbon tax is the straw that breaks the camels back, why hasn't the volatile fuel costs done that years ago?

    Farmers are not going to change the opinion of governments (Liberal Conservative or any other) or the public by crying about and denying climate change. My entire argument is and has always been instead of fighting an unwinnable battle against climate change we need to focus on getting agriculture recognized as an industry that already does more than its share of fighting climate change and farmers must be rewarded financially for the work they are already doing in fighting climate change. We are giving away a product (sequestration of greenhouse gasses) on every field and farm yet the Saskatchewan government is giving billions to corporate sector to bury them. We must be demanding payment for what we are doing. This Bucket, is where government support for farms could come from without subsidization questions being raised by our trading partners, or negative connotations from taxpayers. Farmers would simply be paid for a product they are delivering. Why are we not demanding that of our politicians before the election? Oh I know, we would sooner deny climate change than sell a solution the public and governments both demand.
    Last edited by dmlfarmer; Aug 30, 2019, 09:57.

    This is Obamas seaside resort. Its his second home. Other one is in DC.

    2 people living in what looks to be 15-20,000 sq ft home in the brutal NW winteres mere yards from the rising ocean.

    Want me to show you Gores home, Leos, and Saint Suzikis?

    Spare me dml.

    Lets address sequestration. It was pitched by the Harper govt to the IPCC panel and rejected in the carbon measurements. So was our vast boreal forest. You cant get paid for something that doesn't exist. That's what happens when the UN runs your country.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	obama.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	100.7 KB
ID:	767692


      From your first point DML "Most Canadians still believe in climate change" That may be true but most Canadians live in urban centers and don't have a clue about climate or weather. Most of them will hardly ever go outside and never step off concrete or pavement or see darkness at night. They live in a completely artificial world and have no connection to weather. Most Canadians fell for Trudeau's Liberal crap so i really don't understand how they think?


        A study was done a few months ago regarding climate change and peoples beleif in it. The survey showed they supported it because they thought someone else was going to pay for it. When asked how much they would pay toward the cause, they said less that $100 per yr.


          Originally posted by dmlfarmer View Post
          Fjlip wrote:
          "Trudeau put a carbon tarrif on everything and for no reason and then he charged GST on the tax. Talk about that dml. Dare you "

          Bucket wrote: "Don't worry about DML talking about it...Why isn't Scheer getting media time on it...thats a bit of a worry that Scheer isn't...."

          on another tread and I do not want to change the topic on that thread so I will respond here.

          I do not like the carbon tax either. It will cost me money. However, the Liberals clearly campaigned and were elected on a platform promised action on climate change. Most Canadians still believe climate change is a problem and want governments to do something about climate change. The Liberal plan, by putting a price on carbon, is a proven method of reducing consumption by higher cost of carbon. Yes, if consumption is not or in the case of farming cannot be reduced, the costs of all products and services derived from that consumption increase . That is where the proceeds of the carbon tax should have gone. Payments for people dependant on carbon that cannot reduce consumption - like farmers. And the Liberals have done a terrible job in making the tax revenue neutral and for that reason it should be scrapped until the details are worked out. Exactly the same with the lack of transparency that happened after the ending of the wheat board. In both cases the intent was good but incomplete and no follow-up to address the problems.

          Second. The Conservative climate change targets are exactly the same as the Liberals. However instead of a visible carbon tax, they are going to penalize large emitters. Do you honestly believe that those large emitters that suddenly have massive bills for emissions are not going to increase their costs to their consumers and those costs will not be passed on down the line exactly the same way the carbon tax is? The conservative climate change plan also calls for providing incentives for climate change friendly actions. Tell me, who is going to take advantage of those incentives that can be earned if they spend money improving homes and businesses.... the young people with debt and mortgages or persons and businesses with spare cash to burn already? And everyone that pays taxes will be paying for those incentives yet it the richest who can earn the most of them. Another government plan for taxing everyone for the benefit of a few.
          Cry all you want about the Liberal carbon tax, but I prefer that to a hidden taxes that the Conservatives plan to implement. I just demand the Liberals rebate the tax to those who cannot afford it, starting with farmers.

          Third, posters on here cry about the carbon tax making them uncompetitive and putting them out of business. Look at charts of gas prices over the last ten years and I dare you to count the number of times gas has increased by more than 5 cents a litre, yet farmers are still around. And businesses passed on those higher energy prices just as they pass on the carbon tax. Even more interesting, I am willing to bet by shopping around you can find a 5 cent a litre difference on any day between fuel suppliers. So if 5 cent carbon tax is the straw that breaks the camels back, why hasn't the volatile fuel costs done that years ago?

          Farmers are not going to change the opinion of governments (Liberal Conservative or any other) or the public by crying about and denying climate change. My entire argument is and has always been instead of fighting an unwinnable battle against climate change we need to focus on getting agriculture recognized as an industry that already does more than its share of fighting climate change and farmers must be rewarded financially for the work they are already doing in fighting climate change. We are giving away a product (sequestration of greenhouse gasses) on every field and farm yet the Saskatchewan government is giving billions to corporate sector to bury them. We must be demanding payment for what we are doing. This Bucket, is where government support for farms could come from without subsidization questions being raised by our trading partners, or negative connotations from taxpayers. Farmers would simply be paid for a product they are delivering. Why are we not demanding that of our politicians before the election? Oh I know, we would sooner deny climate change than sell a solution the public and governments both demand.

          You make a lot of good points, what percentage range do you think burning fossil fuel has contributed to the weather wobbles, or has there been enough credible data avaliable to the public for you to make an estimate, would you say 0 - 5, 6 - 30, 31 - 60, I just can't say because there's been just too much noise for me to even guess.


            Originally posted by rumrocks View Post
            You make a lot of good points, what percentage range do you think burning fossil fuel has contributed to the weather wobbles, or has there been enough credible data avaliable to the public for you to make an estimate, would you say 0 - 5, 6 - 30, 31 - 60, I just can't say because there's been just too much noise for me to even guess.
            I hope you have a lot of patience.
            Chuck and DML and I just went through this in the Sea level thread. It took months and hundreds of posts, including All of the usual insults, name-calling and denier labelling.


              Originally posted by jazz View Post
              This is Obamas seaside resort. Its his second home. Other one is in DC.

              2 people living in what looks to be 15-20,000 sq ft home in the brutal NW winteres mere yards from the rising ocean.

              Want me to show you Gores home, Leos, and Saint Suzikis?

              Spare me dml.

              Lets address sequestration. It was pitched by the Harper govt to the IPCC panel and rejected in the carbon measurements. So was our vast boreal forest. You cant get paid for something that doesn't exist. That's what happens when the UN runs your country.

              so what Jazz. Having a second home on the ocean does not prove Obama does not believe climate change is not happening.

              Trump won the evangelical vote in 2916. Does that mean all evangelicals think it is okay to "grab women by the *****" as Trump said? Or any of the other myriad of things he has said and done which goes against evangelical preaching.

              Saskfarmer continually whines about how tough farming is, yet owns a second home in Florida and flys multiple times a year to it. In fact complains about the lack of international flights out of Regina. So since Saskfarmer can do this, does that mean farming must not be all that tough since what he has is beyond the reach of the average Canadian?

              Is it morally wrong to preach one thing and do the opposite. Of Course it is. And yes, by all means you can call the person a hypocrite for such actions, but that does not mean the values or science is wrong.


                Originally posted by jazz View Post
                Lets address sequestration. It was pitched by the Harper govt to the IPCC panel and rejected in the carbon measurements. So was our vast boreal forest. You cant get paid for something that doesn't exist. That's what happens when the UN runs your country.
                Yet Alberta farmers can apply for carbon credits and are paid for sequestration. So don't tell me that it can't be done or that the UN prevents it. You are spreading BS again.


                  Originally posted by rumrocks View Post
                  You make a lot of good points, what percentage range do you think burning fossil fuel has contributed to the weather wobbles, or has there been enough credible data avaliable to the public for you to make an estimate, would you say 0 - 5, 6 - 30, 31 - 60, I just can't say because there's been just too much noise for me to even guess.
                  I truly wish I could answer your question, but I do not know and my opinion is just that - my opinion is no more valuable than your opinion because it is not based on any factual data. I have not seen definitive scientific data that provides the answer you and others seek. How many years did it take to link smoking with cancer. And still they can not give you an exact risk percentage for you yourself dying of cancer if you smoke. Yes, there are risk estimates for the population but even they are still estimates. And there are still people who deny smoking causes cancer. And others who ignore the risk and smoke anyway - something like building a home on the ocean yet believeing in climate change.


                    Fair post DMLfarmer other than you overlooked the exemption farmers are getting on the carbon tax - so not only as you said 5c/litre won't put farmers out of business - we aren't even paying the 5 cents!


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