The organic community is a funny one in Western Canada. Farmers in this group are trying to tell the rest of us how to farm, and that is all right; it is a free country. But this year, I am noticing how much damage organic guys are doing to the local regular farmers.
Weed problems are all over the place. Some are very bad, and others are doing a half-ass job. So yea spreading weed seeds on my fields through the wind etc. is a huge issue. But they say its farming and its ok. But God helps us if we spray their fields by drift.
Then we have organic guys who expect us to know what the heck they are. Certified organic or not quite there, or will I be organic in three years. Most farmers know their neighbours but without putting up some signs etc. who is to blame. I think the organic industry is to blame.
Now the big thing I wish they would do is to make a buffer system around all there fields. A 100 ft buffer strip and full signage to let all know they are organic certified.
The ditch isn't a buffer system; it is RM land and not to be used by the local organic guy for his use.
Similar if your right along a regular farmer why not have a 100 ft organic buffer strip on the natural guy's farm. Take some responsibility also.
Then I still think something is fishy in some organic guys operations. Their farms should be inspected like a certified seed grower.
I still can't figure out how a field of solid Tanzy mustard can disappear and now clean crop left behind — magic organics.
Again both have a place in our country, and if the market wants to pay these guys a premium, go ahead, but maybe the organic industry needs to clean up its act and start farming and looking after its own.
Others thoughts would be great.
All I am trying to say is maybe real farmers need to start waking up and pushing back on some of this shit that's going on. Last night a group of sick ****S got into a turkey barn in Alberta and did a sit in to protest the blight of turkeys. Why aren't these people getting real jail time?
Again I am not against what a person does on there own farm, but I would like the organic group to have an inspection process and a set of rules that has teeth.
Organic guys lets have a go at it and same with regular farmers, but I want a 100 ft strip around all fields, and that doesn't include the RM ditch.