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Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

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    Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

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ID:	778546

    Well, the picture tells the story. It has been another cool cloudy with a chance of sun and rain all week. In our area, the pea harvest hasn't even started yet. Guys are doing 40 acres or so and then getting rained out. Yesterday was a wet afternoon, but moring was sunshine and wind. They are drying these acres by aeration. One field the guy has been there for going on two weeks.

    Now anyone who got Drews text last night or received his procrastinator I'm sure wasn't eager to open and listen or read. Like a friend from Australia texted me is it Biblical rain coming or rain. Hopefully, it misses us.

    Total for the year is now over 12 inches since snow left. I got stuck spraying yesterday, so that tells the story.

    So here is the crop report for the first week of September, yes its September and haven't moved a wheel yet. Now the Dryer is cleaned out and greased, and propane is delivered, so I guess we are going to roll the next three days when the sun comes out before the storm hits.

    Harvest is 0 to 8% from Regina to the lake.

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    HRS most is in the final stages of growth. Fields evened out, but signs of plant disease are showing up but so is the high heat event at the end of July early august at filling. Should be close to last year but won't hit its levels. Most that spray is just finishing or done. Some guys have started to swath; some are waiting a bit longer. Pig shit is looking good and got its final weed management and is now 12 days away from harvest. But that is the kicker we and others won't be starting up really for another 12 to 14 days — last weeks of the month. Its slow and time is starting to run out of the hourglass.

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    Oats are starting to turn but for our area yield will be good but not over the top 10, maybe a 6 to 8. The heat got early on. No one has harvested any.

    Barley is the crop that guys want off and want it off quick. But with most having peas to do and the rain events that hit every other day, lots will slip to feed class. Yea a shitty harvest and a shitty price. Some is sitting in swaths for two weeks others just knocked yesterday, and didn't get the memo significant rain on the way. We have left ours still stand, but this is the last storm it can take. It has to go after the weekend rain. The yield looks good, but the quality will be the issue. Note to guys drying for malt. Slower and less heat don't rush the process, or they will reject it.

    Peas the crop that is still standing not sure how, but every week that goes by without harvesting it will eventually go backwards. Some have been in the same field for almost two weeks. With Rain every other day, it has turned into a prolonged process. Yield is all over the map from excellent in areas that never had peas to shit on the field that was peas four years ago.

    Lentils still odd field and going flatter each day.

    Flax is the worst of the crops for 2019. Some have sprayed to get it off, so don't have to look at the dirty mess. Others are starting to dry down but thin and short. Yield will be way down for flax.


    What is with the old picture with the S690 ....you don't keep decals that long do you ? or is that an extra they sent you to keep you green....

    easy big fella ...just getting the blood boiling for your political part of the report....


      Canola needs more time, but the clock is ticking. Right now, our farm is about a week away from serious swathing. Yes buy the swather, in a swath, it will even out the areas vs spraying that will lock in green I'm thinking. We still might leave a section that is even maturity, to cut incase the rains continue. Some fields just came off the bloom, and that means a month away with no frost. But remember stuff swath or sprayed next week won't go till Maybe October 1st. This is one crop that has serious issues. Later will be better for yield if they make it. Early are now very dirty with everything growing under the sun.

      Canola the most expensive crop to grow with every trait added you could imagine too bad mother nature didn't get the memo. Seed costs are out of hand for this crop.

      I Did my token swath around a five-acre plot. Now I'm over it and will wait till after the rain event to start knocking it down.

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      Pastures are greening up big time, and if guys were to do a second cut on some hay fields, it would be excellent. Most did an area of green feed and will have sufficient supplies.

      So to sum up the week. Every engine oil has been changed, from combines to grain augers. Repairs are done and now just about at cleaning the shop floor and wanting to get going. The dryer is ready, and propane is coming today. Geese have left the peas alone so far that is good, but numbers were down due to dry spring. Still spraying end to end but low areas are soft with skinny on. Fields that will be sprayed for harvest are just about ready or done. A Few have swath but now wondering why with major rain event coming. Sometimes its the dad who wants to swath some times its the son.

      To all the Eco Nazis this is why in the northern fringe we spray and harvest it evens out the field and lets us all get a good grade in most years. Owning a dryer is also part of the system MR Goodale and your carbon tax you can shove up your ass.

      Solar and wind don't work. Ok wind blowing a crop does but a windmill doesn't.

      Finally, to our leader Justin Trudeau who won't attend the leadership debate, you are the lowest form of a piece of Shit out there. The general population of Canada needs to see all leaders under pressure, not a shot for TV commercial done by an actor (which is you).

      Liberals the lowest form of disease and this fool is just adding to that.

      Please, Quebec and Ontario and any sane person don't vote for this fool. Canada will be done.

      Rant over. Oh, Ralph, your days are numbered, you can hand out money and try to bribe people, but I think Wascana has finally woke up to you. Your a joke.

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        Propane and natural gas will be the commodity in most demand. It’s a real slap in the face to have a carbon tax being applied to both of these especially for drying grain!


          Originally posted by Oliver88 View Post
          Propane and natural gas will be the commodity in most demand. It’s a real slap in the face to have a carbon tax being applied to both of these especially for drying grain!
          Interesting how the carbon tax isn't applied to farmers until it is....who can you download those costs to...

          Fu cking graincos who have dryers can't justify the usage for the amount of tough grain they may see this year but individual farmers are expected to purchase dryers for their farms...

          I think everyone sees how the costs get downloaded...to the farmer

          This may be the wrong thinking but its time to restart the POOL system....too bad farmers couldn't have got a chance at the 250 million and G3 instead of the freebee to the Saudis who won't buy our wheat...


            I agree, but that shows how stupid the liberals are and don't understand anything but how to tax the shit out of the general population.

            Now a leadership debate without the leader of the country should be a sign to all Canadians this idiot is a ****-up and doesn't need to be supported.

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            Oh for the Climate Nazis who knew everything and were all wrong this picture does look pretty but pretty much useless like wind and solar.

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            Oh, the one major thing I forgot with all the rain coming now for harvest is the amount of weed pressure that is coming.

            Weeds will come in with sample and effect shit in your bins or bags or dockage will be way up.

            Another wicked weed is Kochia, and Round up Canola are making for interesting fields. These fields have been sprayed are drying down and flowering at the same time.


              Sk always posts the crop report which gets me riled up but then he finishes with trudeau and then my blood is boiling. Gonna need a checkup after this harvest and if skippy gets in again.
              Last edited by jazz; Sep 5, 2019, 07:11.


                Oh, I am waiting on Deere and Case who are both coming with prices on new Combines. HAHAHA should be interesting.


                  Originally posted by SASKFARMER View Post
                  Oh, I am waiting on Deere and Case who are both coming with prices on new Combines. HAHAHA should be interesting.
                  You should really stop in at Canada West Harvest Centre for a coffee...you might actually get value for your Deeres....instead of paying for new decals and an ass boring....
                  Last edited by bucket; Sep 5, 2019, 07:09.


                    Originally posted by SASKFARMER View Post
                    Oh, I am waiting on Deere and Case who are both coming with prices on new Combines. HAHAHA should be interesting.
                    No sense coming to the Slum of the Ghetto.
                    No one wants my trades or business!
                    Everything is a worn out piece of junk or unpopular.


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