Good job growing lots in an already flooded market. Must be the governments fault - looking for payments to offset our lack of realization of the real problem. Next year, even more fertilizer and fungicide. Maybe a bit more precision data, drones, satellite imagery, remote monitoring, soil moisture probes, Maybe even Climate View can help to squeak out a couple more bushels, not lol. Humic acid anyone? Micros..... A new combine, sure why not.
"Updated model-based production estimates from Statistics Canada released Sept. 12 expect larger yields for most of the major crops grown in the country. While harvest operations are still ongoing, the actual crops may end up larger still."
Yes, larger still.
"Updated model-based production estimates from Statistics Canada released Sept. 12 expect larger yields for most of the major crops grown in the country. While harvest operations are still ongoing, the actual crops may end up larger still."
Yes, larger still.