Originally posted by SASKFARMER
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Maybe you could ask Ralph about putting the same amount they charge farmers for carbon tax into Ag Invest....with a taxable deduction to boot..
How about mandatory sales reporting....Its odd but all the good wheat the elevators had for blending was sold to the chinese at a discount....Elevators make their money on handling and some on speculation....well now because no one was reporting they have all fu cked themselves because the whole crop is downgraded...sometimes you have to implement rules to protect companies from themselves....
Everyones margins have been going downing calculated steps in agristability ..there will never be a payment from that program...unless you have a bunch of people working it on the same operation...I think thats how it works...Jim lowers his margin...then Jack ...then Joe ...each of them get a payment by taking turns...MNP loves that operation...good fees you know....its a fu cking scam...
Make no mistake though...the conservatives don't give a shit about agriculture either...lip service is all they will do...
I do think every one of the protestors should be fined individually....not 10000 but more like 100000 and then they could go ask the people paying for them for the cash and fine them as well....if that operation lost a turn of revenue due to sick animals who would pay????
Do your protesting at the grocery store where it won't hurt a frozen turkey...AND Galen Weston will put a stop to it right quick...