Well, the above describes the last week. Finally, the sun came out and the heat hit with the wind. Perfect world hey. We were able to get all going us first on peas then the rest in HRS and barley and oats. For one or two days later the storm gods started brewing and out of nothing a huge hail storm and up to 3.5 in of rain hit. We were on edge but got another inch in the process. Were wet is an understatement, but to the north of us, they have an extra 6 inches in the month of September.
Ok here is the report, We did get to 13% done, and this sucks. It is the middle of September, and this is the best we can be. Fourteen inches is the total of rain up to this point since snow left. Thanks, Mother Nature, you're a real ****.
HRS has been downgraded and if in swath bad. Sprouts in Durum and spring wheat standing and swath. High humidity and hot on the weekend didn't help. One more rain event and things go from Bad to ****ED. It's a shit show boys and girls. Guys don't know what to do. Dry or swath or harvest or bale.
Barley is the lost crop of 2019. What looked so fricking promising all over the province is now soaked, and things aren't right.
Peas are finally off for us, and we still have a few neighbours that seeded a lot of acres struggling with mud and peas.
Flax is desiccated and waiting for dry down to clean up these fields, so guys don't have to look at the crop any more. Flax is by far the worst of the crops of 2019.
Oats in the swath, not good standing has no issues yet but do you swath or not is on most guys minds. We haven't had three good days in a row before rain all September.
Canola wow I said if it doesn't freeze till mid to late September, it might make a really big crop. Well, it's big but will it dry down and get harvested. Varieties are also showing some interesting traits this year. I have Pioneer Liberty and right on the next section is new Dekalb Liberty and a mile away is old L252. One doesn't look like the others. Guys are swathing like no tomorrow as most fields are going to make it. Only some just out of flowering. Others are spraying and will direct cut. I still might do the last two sections this year.
Pastures are coming back very nice and the green feed seeded July one is going to make a lot of bales.
So to sum up the harvest, it isn't moving very fast. Massive hail storm happened north of Me, and it rains every two days. Oh look tomorrow is a 90% chance of rain — Yea for **** sakes.
To Sask Ag and Food. Don't sugar coat your report please tell it like it is. Were late getting later and it rains constantly, and crop now has grade issues.
Be safe as stress levels are rising and yes I'm pissed we are now back into the mud zone.