Seem like even us aussie are not immuned from your election.
Was a fascinating read from a aussie journalist perspective right or wrong travelling canada.
He basically compared aust to canada as he presumed we are very similar thinks were actually poles apart.
One there are no stark difference in policies between libs and conservatives its really a election about which leader they want.
Two canadians are basically a just left of centre voting country wereas australia is right of centre.
Canadian are some of the most socially and enviormentally aware voters in the world.
Australians worry about hip pocket and or economy way more.
Canada is possibly making inroads into indigenous issues wereas australia is lagging.
Unpopular decisions are made aka carbon tax but here cost 2 prime ministers there job.
Australians value mining gas coal oil agriculture above possible envirnmental issues.
Our election in may was dubbed climate change election the conservative side got in with a increase or climate change stuff rejected by voting public here wereas you guys maybe look at the biggger picture.
Whilst there is a ultra right potus south of the border will prevent a right leaning govt in canda to take power sorry jazz.
At the end of the day he suggested liberal victory by much much reduced majority.
But a possibly pertinant comment was canada needs a divide in politics true left and true right so voters have choice.
None of the above comments are mine and the journo was from a right wing leaning newspaper.
he didnt condem or slander either of your party leaders was balanced actually pointed out good and bad of both in his opinion.
Was a fascinating read from a aussie journalist perspective right or wrong travelling canada.
He basically compared aust to canada as he presumed we are very similar thinks were actually poles apart.
One there are no stark difference in policies between libs and conservatives its really a election about which leader they want.
Two canadians are basically a just left of centre voting country wereas australia is right of centre.
Canadian are some of the most socially and enviormentally aware voters in the world.
Australians worry about hip pocket and or economy way more.
Canada is possibly making inroads into indigenous issues wereas australia is lagging.
Unpopular decisions are made aka carbon tax but here cost 2 prime ministers there job.
Australians value mining gas coal oil agriculture above possible envirnmental issues.
Our election in may was dubbed climate change election the conservative side got in with a increase or climate change stuff rejected by voting public here wereas you guys maybe look at the biggger picture.
Whilst there is a ultra right potus south of the border will prevent a right leaning govt in canda to take power sorry jazz.
At the end of the day he suggested liberal victory by much much reduced majority.
But a possibly pertinant comment was canada needs a divide in politics true left and true right so voters have choice.
None of the above comments are mine and the journo was from a right wing leaning newspaper.
he didnt condem or slander either of your party leaders was balanced actually pointed out good and bad of both in his opinion.