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Another $100B

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    Another $100B

    That's the debt extra debt skippy will have on the books by the end of a 2nd term. $100B first term, $25B in pre-election spending and now $100B in new debt for the next 4 yrs. Bye bye Canada.

    If I had any confidence Kenny was going to do something I would vote Trudeau and get this over with.

    https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/lilley-trudeau-embarks-of-spendapalooza-to-win-over-voters Trudeau embarks on spendapalooza to win over voters

    hahahahahahaha...all you can do is laugh when supposedly adults start listening to Swedish teenagers.....

    Phucking so stupid....


      Originally posted by jazz View Post
      That's the debt extra debt skippy will have on the books by the end of a 2nd term. $100B first term, $25B in pre-election spending and now $100B in new debt for the next 4 yrs. Bye bye Canada.

      If I had any confidence Kenny was going to do something I would vote Trudeau and get this over with.

      https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/lilley-trudeau-embarks-of-spendapalooza-to-win-over-voters Trudeau embarks on spendapalooza to win over voters

      How seriously can you take an article written by someone who thinks next year is 2000 though??


        Originally posted by grassfarmer View Post
        How seriously can you take an article written by someone who thinks next year is 2000 though??
        Grassfarmer if you read on CBC you will find that Trudeau has indeed released the Liberal platform that will increase Canada's federal debt by $100 billion over the next 4 years and also increases taxes by $25 billion over the same period but still leaves the $100 billion debt due to increased spending. This does not include increased spending on a possible federal pharmacare program. Better do some reading Grassfarmer!


          Originally posted by Hamloc View Post

          Grassfarmer if you read on CBC you will find that Trudeau has indeed released the Liberal platform that will increase Canada's federal debt by $100 billion over the next 4 years and also increases taxes by $25 billion over the same period but still leaves the $100 billion debt due to increased spending. This does not include increased spending on a possible federal pharmacare program. Better do some reading Grassfarmer!

          Sunny ways!!!


            True Trudeau fans are more worried about unicorns and hypocritical Swedish children climate alarmists.
            These silly “math details” won’t effect their voting pattern.
            Last edited by Oliver88; Sep 29, 2019, 18:41.


              Skippy if he wins I’ll take us to the level of Ontario


                And no mention of any plan to grow our economy. Just tax, take, borrow and spend.

                At least Scheer had an energy corridor idea and knows the value of our resources.

                Liz May wants 2 million climate refugees to resettle here.

                Just unbelievable.


                  The fact that there even is a Green Party in Canada led by a complete drunk whack job is unbelievable.


                    Originally posted by Crestliner View Post
                    The fact that there even is a Green Party in Canada led by a complete drunk whack job is unbelievable.
                    Yup she wants to repopulate rural Canada. ..to do what.....


                      Originally posted by Crestliner View Post
                      The fact that there even is a Green Party in Canada led by a complete drunk whack job is unbelievable.
                      I think that is a precondition to joining the party.


                        Originally posted by bucket View Post
                        Yup she wants to repopulate rural Canada. ..to do what.....
                        Meth labs. When they blow up in town more people get hurt and more damage. Our in the country no one evens knows.


                          Originally posted by bucket View Post
                          Yup she wants to repopulate rural Canada. ..to do what.....
                          They wont come to rural Canada and of they do they wont stay. My parents reminded me of our church sponsoring Vietnam refugees in the early 80s. Brought them over, housed fed them in the community, some work. Last 2 yrs and moved to Toronto.


                            Only 25% of actual eligible voters ticked Liberals in 2015, if these losers are just as BRAIN F CKING dead this time around Canada deserves the disaster that will happen!


                              Originally posted by jazz View Post
                              They wont come to rural Canada and of they do they wont stay. My parents reminded me of our church sponsoring Vietnam refugees in the early 80s. Brought them over, housed fed them in the community, some work. Last 2 yrs and moved to Toronto.
                              Ours church also sponsored Vietnamese refugees. They stayed in the community for closed to a decade, then moved to another slightly larger town and opened a restaurant that is still operated by the same family. Fantastic people.


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