Lots of complaining going on in this site. Lots of bitching and moaning about Liberal and Trudope.
Question is, are you ready to do something serious about this or just keep giving it lip service for another 50 years and leave a bigger mess to our heirs?
The only solution is to go it on our own. Like a bad business partner or screwed up family farm or company, or a bad marriage.... The West needs to go on its own PERIOD.
Other than some twisted romantic thoughts of Confederation, economically speaking we are wasting our time with the East.
Capitalism is tough business and not comfortable and sometimes drastic decisions have to be made to ensure a secure future.
I see no secure future with messed up leaders like Trudope and Elizabeth or Sing Song....it’s really pathetic....it’s like they think its Monopoly family game night the way they treat the Country’s finances. Screw up and then just put the game back in the closet and take the pension.
We have it all here, the east is taking it and taking advantage of our God given resources and wealth generating abilities. They are stealing from us continually and when not stealing they are putting their foot on our necks preventing us from moving ahead. Amazing the paradox.
Who is man enough and brave enough to lead the charge, inspire others to join in for drastic change and get this ship changed direction and not the race to the bottom?
If you just want to keep texting and bitching....I guess the present situation is not so bad for you....
Question is, are you ready to do something serious about this or just keep giving it lip service for another 50 years and leave a bigger mess to our heirs?
The only solution is to go it on our own. Like a bad business partner or screwed up family farm or company, or a bad marriage.... The West needs to go on its own PERIOD.
Other than some twisted romantic thoughts of Confederation, economically speaking we are wasting our time with the East.
Capitalism is tough business and not comfortable and sometimes drastic decisions have to be made to ensure a secure future.
I see no secure future with messed up leaders like Trudope and Elizabeth or Sing Song....it’s really pathetic....it’s like they think its Monopoly family game night the way they treat the Country’s finances. Screw up and then just put the game back in the closet and take the pension.
We have it all here, the east is taking it and taking advantage of our God given resources and wealth generating abilities. They are stealing from us continually and when not stealing they are putting their foot on our necks preventing us from moving ahead. Amazing the paradox.
Who is man enough and brave enough to lead the charge, inspire others to join in for drastic change and get this ship changed direction and not the race to the bottom?
If you just want to keep texting and bitching....I guess the present situation is not so bad for you....