I'm not a church guy like I was when I was younger. But I still look up to the sky and pray, reflect wonder whatever. But this year I wonder every day it rains if we will get this crop half off. Yes, its October but once it turns this wet, it can be this way for 30 some days.
Hell, I also don't usually get to worked up about harvesting, but for the first time in a long time, I woke up at 2 AM and couldn't fall back asleep. Not a good sign when your mind is running at 100 MPH. It's even getting to me. So all keep a heads up and talk to others, were all in the same boat.
Well ok, its Thursday and the week wasn't perfect for harvesting. It sucked. Rain Thursday and Friday then the sun came out for a bit Saturday. Then Sunday snow and Monday snow rain and Tuesday rain and yesterday well fog and one hour of sun.
So basically we didn't turn a wheel since last Wednesday. At 20%, we sit.
Ok since no one moved in our area in the week what more damage has been done.
HRS we had wet snow mixed with rain so not as much as some. But its snow and some areas had more and some less. Fort had none yet Balgonie to Edgeley was lots. We went to the lake on Sunday, and north of Canora, they were harvesting. Yea goes figure.
HRS is in big trouble and a heads up on grain grading. All grain companies are looking now at falling numbers. You might even have an excellent #1 harvested early, and they will grade it a feed because your falling number is 160. So just a heads up they are on our side. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Some are looking at dryer programs, but they won't give a premium for super dry grain yet. Go **** your selves is what I say.
HRS has gone flat where the snow happened but also if you had a thick HRS crop it went flat with rain and snow mixed. Harvesting now will be slower if it ever returns.
Barley is all but done in our area and fields still in swaths are being left as they are now the green mile. Geese won't even eat. Yea they are green swaths. Standing a few fields and they are now breaking off heads and flat.
Flax is either swath or waiting to go, but the fields with lots of Wildcats are flat also.
Peas are all off or abandoned.
Oats is flat as the snow rain mix didn't help.
Canola, the super expensive crop to grow, with excellent genetics. HAHAHAHAHA well, it fell over and is mostly flat or broken stems or a total shit show of twisted crap. Swath had snow on for one day, but it melted with rain fast. Standing as I said, is a tangled mess. Now if it was thin shit crop well its standing perfect go figure: the thicker, the more of a mess. Muddy swathing the last canola, you have to clean canvas ever two hours. The previous fields are almost swath, one section left. They will be easy to burn in spring if the weather doesn't smarten up. All straight cut and most areas are dead ripe except in some low areas. We have guys in our area already planning to not harvest 2000 1000 and 800 acres, and we are probably 1100 to add to that list that will be burnt in spring. Mathematically we need 21 days, and I don't think well get 10 with snow again next Wednesday.
Pastures are back, and most hay is done, except the field of green feed that's just been haybined.
So to any elevator guy, equipment salesman, survey or politician if I'm a little gruff you can maybe see why, respect farmers this is a shit show we might get through but with winter less than 30 days away the clock is ticking down very fast.
To all the farmers in this shit show, Keep your head up, talk to anyone who will listen, the worse thing is to keep it in. Maybe mother nature will help out, perhaps not. Talk to your lender and start thinking of a plan, inf no borrowed money how much savings will be needed to get to next fall because useless crop insurance won't pay till after the crop is harvested and guess what we might not finish this fall. Then AG stabs won't pay piss all till what next fall. Yea it doesn't look right. Anyone get a check from the new super insurance programs out there let me know.
Hopefully, the weather changes, and we get weeks of beautiful fall weather, and maybe we all get to finish or come close. Remember the ones at home are way more important than this ****ing crop.