Hey wow we actually have an agriculture minister in Saskatchewan he actually wants people to recognize what farmers do? Pretty difficult to expect the public to recognize when he doesn’t even acknowledge the disaster that has and continues to occur over much of the province weather and other wise losing grain companies no pressure on companies to move wet grain faster which would really help would also save CRAPinsurance money. All those incentives for the grain companies and you can’t apply some pressure?
How about requesting any of the federal leaders to assist in the massive dollar loss due to low prices and production losses which CRAPinsurance will not cover neither will the agrihillbilly program.
May as well go back to sleeping in your office we never see you out in the middle of a disaster so spare us you understand agriculture by sending a generic message from your desk.
How about requesting any of the federal leaders to assist in the massive dollar loss due to low prices and production losses which CRAPinsurance will not cover neither will the agrihillbilly program.
May as well go back to sleeping in your office we never see you out in the middle of a disaster so spare us you understand agriculture by sending a generic message from your desk.