I don’t really understand the cash advance payment deferral. Is it for delayed sales? Example, lentils or canola are still in the bin while you wait for better prices or movement? This may take until February.
When you sell the grain you pay back the advance. All this does is give the farmer more time for the markets to open up. Otherwise if you sell the grain Use the money and don’t pay the advance, you are relying on the new crop to pay it down.
Will they give you a new advance on new crop if you don’t pay off the old one? If yes, well, where does it end? Basically the govt is allowing farmers to kick the can. It’s not really helpful, kind of like what SF3 has been leading to, its some kind of convoluted loan.
When you sell the grain you pay back the advance. All this does is give the farmer more time for the markets to open up. Otherwise if you sell the grain Use the money and don’t pay the advance, you are relying on the new crop to pay it down.
Will they give you a new advance on new crop if you don’t pay off the old one? If yes, well, where does it end? Basically the govt is allowing farmers to kick the can. It’s not really helpful, kind of like what SF3 has been leading to, its some kind of convoluted loan.