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    I dont see where you all get the idea Kenny is the savior,he is a career politicition that cheated his own party to win the leadership,so far nothing,since he cant blame the NDs anymore,and then the budget coming on the 24 of oct,should be interesting.
    My prediction i the sun will still come out of the east.tomorrow. The only good thing to come from the east. exceptions are the riders,bombers,jets.


      Originally posted by bucket View Post
      Kenny can not wait if it is a liberal government....he has to start his talk about equalization referendum quickly...it loses its appeal if he waits...
      Equalization talks will go no different with Scheer.in fact when Harper was in Wall was just told to not rock the boat.And Wall listened.


        By all means vote. This has been the most rancorous campaign. None of the parties have shown vision towards a better country. No grand innovation. Just a lot of old rehashed promises with borrowed money. I have no trust in any of them.


          Not like my vote here will matter.
          Probably a 70% conservitie riding

          To top that off , can not vote for
          Liberals, lavalan and just over the top political correctness.

          Cannot vote NDP ,even as a protest because of the pipeline policy.
          And can't stand the local candidate.

          Greens no way , heard yesterday
          She worked with mulrooney.
          Plus everything else.

          Conservative no way , do not want
          To be an American backwater.
          Trump dirty tricks like Scheer did
          To the people's party.
          ILike Medicare and my owning my own seed. Reasonable drug prices etc.
          Not running off to war with the yanks.

          People's party , some good points. Some bad .

          I guess I will just blow off the combines instead of voteing.
          Do something useful


            Originally posted by agstar77 View Post
            By all means vote. This has been the most rancorous campaign. None of the parties have shown vision towards a better country. No grand innovation. Just a lot of old rehashed promises with borrowed money. I have no trust in any of them.
            How about the energy corridor idea? Billions of resources flying oof our coasts raising the standard of living for all Canadians. Isnt that a vision? Better than gender neutral identity pandering and restricting our wealth.


              Fix the railways and existing pipelines first . Those are existing corridors without the enviromental challenges of new ones.


                This has been the most rancorous campaign

                All the so called DIRT MUD NAME CALLING of Turdo are FACTS, he and Libs did this shit and people needed a BIG reminder to NOT forgive all the crap they did to us!


                  Originally posted by agstar77 View Post
                  Fix the railways and existing pipelines first . Those are existing corridors without the enviromental challenges of new ones.
                  Well there is no sense upgrading rail if there are no extra resources to fill cars with. I agree we need a nation infrastructure solution that isn't commuter rail for Toronto or Montreal. All the pipelines are at max already, not sure what can be fixed there.


                    Probably nothing the matter with commuter rail. But
                    Yes we need a plan and execution.
                    HARPER had 8 years and did SFA.
                    All he did was sell us out on every front.
                    You want more of that .
                    Trudeau ignoring us is better
                    Than that.
                    Turn off the TV and we will not
                    Have to look at him.
                    In a minority govt.
                    Maybe something good will get done.


                      If we actually get the turd wrapped in orange paper tonight as caseih predicts western canada and canada as a whole is at a turning point. The ndp solution to fossil fuels is to leave the natural resources in the ground. The ndp will push their environmental agenda with the help of tzeporah berman, avi lewis, naomi klein and david suzuki. What will be left of western canada after four years of a coalition?


                        Originally posted by Chief View Post
                        If we actually get the turd wrapped in orange paper tonight as caseih predicts western canada and canada as a whole is at a turning point. The ndp solution to fossil fuels is to leave the natural resources in the ground. The ndp will push their environmental agenda with the help of tzeporah berman, avi lewis, naomi klein and david suzuki. What will be left of western canada after four years of a coalition?
                        Well lets look at an example, the east coat fisheries. Enviro radicals shut that down thinking the cod stocks would be gone forever and over fished. Didn't do anything about foreign vessels on our coasts and other parts of the world, encouraged the people to quit, move, learn to code or whatever.

                        Then fish stocks come back and guess what, nobody to do the fishing anymore. They are gone, kids are gone, hope is gone and now they vote Liberal.

                        Same thing will happen to the oil patch and ag is probably next.


                          Wish this had been shared the HELL out of it long ago....

                          Mr. Trudeau,

                          Things I considered before I voted:

                          Your minister of finance engaged in insider trading. Also forgot about his villa in France.

                          You blew the Asia Pacific deal.

                          You blew the helicopter deal with the Philippines.

                          You blew the deal with China.

                          You blew the deal with Europe.

                          You invited "irregular" immigration and the taxpayer foots the enormous bill for it.

                          At the G7 you pledged $400 million to Education around the world along with another $180 million to the Global Partnership for Education in Europe. None of it is going to fix our messed up school systems here at home. Meanwhile education costs are skyrocketing for our youth making university a mountain too high for many to climb.

                          You pledged $241 million to Family Planning around the world including a $20 million donation to the Bill and Hillary Clinton Foundation (because they have integrity!). This all happened while you told vets that they were asking too much.

                          You pledged $2.65 billion to climate change at the Commonwealth Leaders Summit and now you’re trying to bully the provinces into new taxes to pay for this pledge.

                          You pledged $300 million to the Rohingya Refugee crisis while we have a refugee crisis of our own flooding into Quebec that you won't address.

                          You pledged $125 million to Caribbean Reconstruction while our own infrastructure in cities is falling apart.

                          You pledged $650 million to Sexual and Reproductive health in Haiti and around the globe wanting safer abortions for woman while many women in our own country are left without a family doctor.

                          You pledged $840 million to Syria for Humanitarian Assistance when half the native reserves in our country don't have clean drinking water.

                          You gave $10.5 million to a convicted...CONVICTED terrorist in a backroom deal. You intentionally paid it out in a way that prevented the widow of the killed soldier from pursuing it.

                          You spent $4.5 billion on a 65 year old pipeline, and now the courts have ruled it shut down. Now it's back on (at a delay cost of $250 million) - good investment for Canada you said? (And KM uses that money to build a pipeline in Texas)

                          You pressured Jody Wilson Raybould repeatedly & INAPPROPRIATELY with several different high ranking officials to offer SNC Lavalin a DPA instead of prosecution for repeated & sustained corruption AFTER the former AG had determined they were ineligible for such a deal. You lied about the above having ever taken place. Then you obstructed the investigation into this obstruction of justice and prevented the RCMP from investigating!

                          You replaced Canada’s old F-18s with Australia’s old F-18s.

                          Your bizarre love of all things Castro.

                          You imposed tough regulations and taxes on oil from Alberta, Saskatchewan and Newfoundland but not oil from Saudi Arabia. Every new project has to undergo strict environmental assessments...except cement plants in Quebec.

                          You said that a proposed pipeline must consider “the intersection of sex and gender with other identity factors” (what does that even mean???)

                          You chase foreign companies (and their investment capital) out of the country like they have the plague.

                          You chased our WW1 soldiers out of our national anthem... lest we forget.

                          You called small business owners “tax cheats”.

                          People voice concern over money spent on illegal immigration and you call them intolerant racists.

                          We have an equalization program, but you give half of it to one province.

                          You spent $8 million on a temporary skating rink (vanity project) when Canada's largest skating rink is 500 meters away.

                          You added tens of billions to the national debt while lying to Canada's face about it. Balance the budget in 2019? Now we’re looking at 2040, if ever.

                          You groped a woman and when caught and said she experienced it differently.

                          You elbowed a female MP while dragging another MP by the arm in a petulant fit.

                          Peoplekind? (international embarrassment)

                          You got India to invest $250 million in Canada but we have to invest $750 million in India first.

                          You said returning terrorists will be an extraordinarily powerful voice for Canada.

                          You fought to let terrorists keep their Canadian citizenship.

                          You spent $212,234 on artwork for the cover of the 2017 budget report.

                          You spent upwards to $348,000 on food and alcohol in five flights on our government’s plane. On your G20 trip to Argentina, you spent $103,000 on food and alcohol alone. How is that even possible?

                          You gave Canadian taxpayers' money to Hamas.

                          You voice outrage over fake racist attacks and say nothing about real terrorist attacks.

                          You took 10 vacations in a single year. Who does this?

                          You spent a little over $1.5 million on the trip to India that did nothing but worsen ties. Plus paid over $17,000 to bring an Indian chef to India to cook Indian cuisine. And to top it off, invited a convicted attempted murderer to diner and posed for pics with him.

                          And you’re the only PM convicted of ethics violations. (multiple times in fact).

                          You destroyed the career of one of Canada’s honest military leaders to cover up possible massive corruption in ship building contracts.

                          You invited Joshua Boyle, an alleged perpetrator of sexual assault and unlawful confinement of his wife for a photoshoot in the Office of The Prime Minister.

                          You threaten to sue the leader of the opposition then chicken out when you realized that your alleged crimes will be exposed in court when he didn’t change his allegations.

                          You offer over $600 million dollars in subsidies to failing mainstream media outlets if they can prove to be trustworthy. You put a union who vows to destroy your opposition in charge of selecting these new “trusted” sources to receive funding. You could school the Russians in election interference.

                          You pay off your friends to engage in election ads for you and get Elections Canada to pay for it.

                          $13 million to Loblaws for new refrigerators.

                          You made public statements of deep admiration for Chinese communism.

                          You wore preposterous, inappropriate costumes during a state visit to India, paid for by Canadians.

                          Almost $13 billion in promises right before calling the election.

                          Blackface 3 times and you won’t say if there were more occasions. Wow.

                          What moral, functioning Canadian human could possible justify voting for you?

                          When they said you weren’t ready, they were right....


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