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Canada I did my part and Ralph is Gone. Eastern Canada You started a revolution.

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    Chuck yea right. Elect a prick that teljj ok s is Trudeau is king.

    A guy quit senate today guess where Ralph is going.

    So pissed with maritimes I forgot the phone in the combine

    Ontario is ok Toronto is the problem. But stupid is stupid.


      Way to many posters on Agriville bashing anybody who voted for Trudeau when they should look at who the CPC nominated as their leader.

      So who really cast the wrong vote?


        Originally posted by caseih View Post
        karen is going to have to retract her article in the western producer saying ralph would be staying on , obviously didn't convince enough people , better look quick , before its gone
        "Goodale brand expected to prevail in Sask."
        Yes, the Western Producer article missed the target, no doubt. But as far as Goodale is concerned: should prairie farmers (aka Conservatives) be celebrating the fact that rural voters from Man, Sask and Alta now have now no one in Ottawa, representing Western interests? Disliking Goodale is one thing, but why would anyone be celebrating the fact that we've been shut out of Ottawa completely? I'm not a Liberal supporter, but I think I would have rather seen Goodale retain his seat and have at least one prairie voice at Turdo's cabinet table. C'est la vie. The voters have spoken. Now we deal with the fallout.


          Originally posted by tubs View Post
          problem is that Scheer is from the west....
          But he really isn't though - American born, Ottawa raised career politician. He's not a real westerner so you couldn't expect him to back western causes over all others.


            Congratulations on your victory. Although it took almost half a century.


              Originally posted by HillbillyWillie View Post
              Yes, the Western Producer article missed the target, no doubt. But as far as Goodale is concerned: should prairie farmers (aka Conservatives) be celebrating the fact that rural voters from Man, Sask and Alta now have now no one in Ottawa, representing Western interests? Disliking Goodale is one thing, but why would anyone be celebrating the fact that we've been shut out of Ottawa completely? I'm not a Liberal supporter, but I think I would have rather seen Goodale retain his seat and have at least one prairie voice at Turdo's cabinet table. C'est la vie. The voters have spoken. Now we deal with the fallout.
              Sometimes, like in this case, you're better with no one. Goodale never ever represented the west. He was a disaster in grain marketing reform, backing the CWB and the big railways to the end. He has no understanding of rural issues whatsoever evident by his support for gun registries and his completely silent voice on ag issues including seed tax. The arrested Huawai woman and our resulting canola challenges in China didn't rate anything of substance from him. He said nothing to support the energy industry.

              Good riddance. Better off with no one rather than someone actually working against western interests.
              Last edited by Braveheart; Oct 22, 2019, 11:55.


                Originally posted by sumdumguy View Post
                ... You’ve got to have no ghosts in your closet (especially ghosts that surface during election campaign).....
                It seems that isn't even enough anymore. Campaigns being fought on discrediting the other candidate rather than on issues have become the norm. Both sides of the political divide are guilty of it here and in the US. The story perpetuated by some on here about the "Trudeau scandal" that was about to break is a case in point. The source was a garbage newspaper in another country that has a history of printing stories to promote one candidate or discredit another in return for cash payment. Facts don't matter - slinging the dirt is enough to create the impression of impropriety whether it's true or not. It's becoming increasingly difficult to hold a real election in this social media age. We've got to fix that somehow.


                  Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                  Now you have no one at the cabinet table from the prairies who knows anything about western ag. You may not like Goodale or his policies but at least he had a clue about what was going on with ag and the weather and economic problems and what might be needed for support.

                  Trudeau can win without western canadian support. He has even less reason to care now that Goodale doesn't have his ear.
                  i have no words
                  lucky he had numbnuts ears???? or else he wouldn't have gone to bat for us on oil, lumber, ag, construction, etc.
                  **** me , are we living in the same province




                      Originally posted by foragefarmer View Post
                      Lisa Raitt, who some on here were touting as a good potential CPC leader took it on the chin pretty hard last night.

                      The Talking Heads of the CPC party couldn't understand why Harper lost in 2015. So what do they do, bring Smiling 2.0 and try it again.

                      The old Reformer's have way to much control of the CPC party. Anti abortion, anti guy marriage, anti immigrant, with the Evangelicals having way to much influence.

                      Till the CPC party breaks away from these nut bars nothing going to change!! Hopefully it happens soon and the first step is get rid of SCHEER!

                      Yeah cuz baby killing, gay marriage and sharia law is what makes a nation great


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