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The wind.

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    The wind.

    Never had wind for 2 weeks ! Or sun for that matter. Hopefully tomorrow our swaths will not be in Manitoba!

    Seen some video later today of swaths literally blowing away from the combines ... brutal
    That happened to us once , last field of canola for the fall ... 90k wind came up and literally blew it off the pick up , it was sickening.
    One of the reasons I totally despise when government Ag agencies and market experts call a big crop before its in the bin
    When that happens to you , you realize very quickly it’s never to be counted till it’s in the bin , ever ..
    Last edited by furrowtickler; Oct 25, 2019, 20:30.


      Straw bales were rolling in the fields in SW ab...

      I've certainly found all the weak links in my asphalt shingled roofs today.


        No different than the USDA still not changing their yield numbers. It’s ridiculous


          Wind caught the glass door on my brothers combine and smacked it against the handrail. Shattered it. Wind blew over a neighbour's swing auger, caught the side of a bin, tore a hole and canola leaked out. Wind blew a neighbour's d****r header that was parked on its transport wheels across his yard, one wheel hit a wooden step and rocked it enough for the wind to get under it and flip it upside down! Craziest thing I've seen!


            170km plus in SW Alberta and no that’s not an exaggeration
            Last edited by vvalk; Oct 26, 2019, 00:57.


              Just hit unity an hour ago .
              Plus a blizzard.


                Yesterday was miserable with the wind and it continues today with snow thrown in. One neighbor who was trying to finish up his canola yesterday had swaths blown all over. They were running up and down the field trying to pick up what was left. Another neighbor was baling straw, broke down and went to town for parts. When he got home his swathes were gone and perfectly spread across the field. Weather has certainly been our biggest foe this fall!!!


                  What started out as the best ( almost only) harvest weather day we have had, degenerated into unbelievable wind followed shortly after by just enough rain to have to quit canola around 2PM. Wind kept up, it would almost get dry enough to attempt and another squall woud come through, then it snowed.

                  No damage that I can find, other than ladders blown down. Had a bunch of still empty bins I was worried about, but all still standing.

                  Cleanest canola sample I've ever seen though, everything blew out in the hopper, and while unloading.

                  All pod shatter canola, and laying down from snow and don't see any signs of shattering anywhere.


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