I have a late model 1010 with the oil bath wobble box...
It still fails...
RME parts and service techs told me dont phuck with them if they fail, just go with a new one.
Bought a new one to get us going that day, then tore the old one apart in the off season. All that failed was a brass bushing, which subsequently took out a stub shaft. $100 worth of bushings and seals and I have a backup oiled up and ready to go for pennies on the dollar. If we weren't literally a thousand miles away, I'd say come grab my backup and get atter.
It still fails...
RME parts and service techs told me dont phuck with them if they fail, just go with a new one.
Bought a new one to get us going that day, then tore the old one apart in the off season. All that failed was a brass bushing, which subsequently took out a stub shaft. $100 worth of bushings and seals and I have a backup oiled up and ready to go for pennies on the dollar. If we weren't literally a thousand miles away, I'd say come grab my backup and get atter.