Originally posted by malleefarmer
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Scrapie- most of flock destroyed, remainder quarantined for 2yrs by CFIA
2 neighbouring German Sheppard dogs attacked pregnant ewes - had quite a few dead/put down and quite a bunch sewed up by vet
One guy has had 2 major cougar and one major bear attack that killed 20 to 30 ewes each.
Clamydia abortion
Adverse weather at lambing both blizzards and even a cold spring rain pasture lambing.
Even just price fluctuations, I've sold lambs from $.60/lbs all the way to $2.70/lbs
Personally I've had 2 devastating years out of 32years with sheep. First time was a copper deficiency (not toxicity which is more common) while ewes were pregnant, lambs were normal till 80lbs then at any sign of stress they would stumble and fall and have no more use of their legs, caused by a weak connection in the spinal column before birth. Permanent damage, had to put down about a 3rd of my lambs, seen it happen to a few, walking normal then just collapse. Was very distressing to watch. 2nd time was this spring, vaccinated the ewes prior to lambing and had a large number of ewes abort 3 days following, then first 2 weeks of lambing majority of lambs were stillborn. Vets tested fetuses for abortion diseases, and deficiency mone of which were found, it is believed to have been an adverse reaction to the vaccine but still unclear. After first 2 weeks lambing went perfectly normal. Barely made 100% lamb crop, should be almost 200%.
All I'm saying is sheep are just like any other farming venture, looks good on paper but always seems to have a wrench thrown into your plans.