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Oct 28 Harvest report

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    Originally posted by dmlfarmer View Post
    So the views of a political scientist, who started his career as a producer for Rush Limbaugh, and who has no training is climate science, and is primarily funded by the fossil fuel industry and conservative think tanks is your go to guy for science? Hahaha!

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Morano https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Morano
    Prove what he said is wrong .....


      Originally posted by furrowtickler View Post
      Prove what he said is wrong .....
      Bet you got him "over a barrel", NOTHING can be proven, all is a GUESS, a FORECAST, a computer projection, worth SFA! WTH no forecasted DOOM and GLOOM emergencies have EVER materialized, LIERS, CROOKS!


        Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
        We broke our record low by a mere 10 degrees C this morning. Barely started harvest on crops that never got ripe, snow on the ground, and no hope in the forecast. Not trying to confuse weather with climate here, but I have to ask:

        When the global warming trolls on Agriville choose a time such as this for lecturing real farmers about global warming, are they:
        a) Just completely insensitive, malicious jerks who love to kick someone when they are down?
        b) So fully disconnected from Agriculture, and conditions on the ground in western Canada that they haven't a clue the devastation and distress this weather is causing, and don't comprehend the poor timing of their attacks.
        c) Just another day at the office, just doing their job, with no ill intent, just indifference since their paycheque relies upon it.

        There is a time and place for everything, this is neither.
        12 likes and still no rebuttal from the alarmists, they just moved on and started another global warming related thread instead.


          There are families on the prairies with history going back at least 120 years, likely some much longer, they can tell you there’s “nothing new under the sun”


            Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
            12 likes and still no rebuttal from the alarmists, they just moved on and started another global warming related thread instead.
            Given the kicking I received for daring to question a post claiming current weather is totally related to low sun activity, I am sure why you expect me to answer your question, expecially when you preface your question with 3 more personal attacks on anyone who dares suggest climate change is real.

            First, I am a real farmer and I am not done harvest. I am not kicking anyone because they are not finished nor am I interrogating anyone about how much they have done or how they are harvesting.

            I am honestly looking for reasons why I have struggled to finish harvest for 3 years in a row now. I believe anyone who is not done should be asking themselves why is this happening. And that means looking at all possibilities, including a changing climate and if it is changing, how do I adapt. This is a question that needs to be asked now, not next spring, or next fall if it happens again. Change and adaptation takes time money and planning.

            So when I asked furrowtickler why is it hot in other places if low solar output is the reason it is cold here he described the change in jet stream. Yet, as I pointed out, climate change scientests have described the exact same change in the jet stream as a result of climate change for years. So why is it not possible our current cold prairie weather is as much as a result of climate change as it is solar variability? Don't believe me, check out this scientific paper that was published just last week written by 5 actual scientists, not columnists or authors, or propagandists. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/ab422b https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/ab422b

            I personally believe there are natural cycles to climate and I also believe man is having an impact on climate. You are entitled to your beliefs what ever they are. But if your hypothesis is weather is all the result of natural forces, or of God's will, there is as much burden on you to prove your hypothesis as there is on people who believe weather is the result of climate change. And sorry, but the opinions of a political scientist turned climate expert, funded by political action groups does not qualify as proof.

            You talk of insensitivity, of kicking people, of being malicious jerks. I dare every participant on this forum to go through every post on this thread and compare the number of times I verbally abused someone to the number of times I was called names, insulted, and attacked verbally. AF5, start with your own "a,b,c, post" and ask your self if each of the three answers you propose were not actually a personal attack. Lets see who really are the jerks doing the kicking on this site.
            Last edited by dmlfarmer; Oct 31, 2019, 05:54.


              It’s simple DML. It’s the sun has gone into a cooling phase and it effects our weather....period. There is no warming. Hasn’t been for years contrary to the climate nazis. It’s gonna get worse so here in Canada we need to grow shorter season crops use a bit bit less fert and try and have soil prepped so it gathers heat to help crops emerge quicker. Hate to piss off Crazy Mckenna but we are gonna burn whatever it takes to stay warm including fossil fuels. Unfortunately we can’t control the sun and that’s what pisses me off when these government puppets try and blame us for the weather changes. Worse when u tell our kids it’s their fault. I feel for u when u say u have struggled to finish. Not sure if u have a dryer and heaters on bins but all those things are gonna help u moving forward. Just think about the fact that our weather means nothing without the sun. If it’s gone this debate is over! Good luck. Hope we can get some weather for those that have crop out.


                dml, can you find anything in the historical global warming literature specifically predicting that western Canadian growing seasons would be shrinking on both ends, and growing season heat units would fall, which farmers could have used to prepare for this eventuality? With all of the money spent on modelling and forecasting global warming, surely this outcome must have been predicted somewhere? Not a vague statement about a slowing jet stream causing prolonged periods of stuck weather( which would be in the order of weeks, not half a year or more, as this pattern has been, at least here), but actual useful information that we could have used to plan accordingly.

                If not in the scientific literature, then even in the media, or political class, or pundits? Because all I remember reading predicted the exact opposite outcome.
                Last edited by AlbertaFarmer5; Oct 31, 2019, 07:29.


                  Originally posted by dmlfarmer View Post

                  You talk of insensitivity, of kicking people, of being malicious jerks. I dare every participant on this forum to go through every post on this thread and compare the number of times I verbally abused someone to the number of times I was called names, insulted, and attacked verbally. AF5, start with your own "a,b,c, post" and ask your self if each of the three answers you propose were not actually a personal attack. Lets see who really are the jerks doing the kicking on this site.
                  And dml, I have previously acknowledged that you are in a class far above the rest of the global warming attack and insult crowd on this site. You genuinely do seem to understand the science ( or lack thereof), and make an effort to back your opinions up with the facts. Instead of resorting immediately to personal attacks, as is Chucks style. And I thank you for that. I enjoy debating you, and wish you would contribute more often.
                  Last edited by AlbertaFarmer5; Oct 31, 2019, 07:31.


                    Dml here is an article from the CBC dated April 1,2019:"Canada Warming at twice the global rate, leaked report finds." This is certainly not my experience where I live in central Alberta. The last 4 harvests have been a challenge. Where 5 years ago no one in my area had a grain dryer, 2/3's of my neighbors do now. I was talking to a neighbor at the curling rink last night, he said out of 170000 bushels of grain produced only 20000 were dry. They had just gone over 100000 bushels through the dryer, 50000 to go! Unfortunately farmers will put in drying systems and then get progressively bent over by Trudeau's carbon tax.


                      Lots of information on climate change if you do this search for "climate change impacts on canada's prairie provinces" on Google Scholar


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