On a more informative note I have RTK GPS feeding into my Agleader autosteer giving me repeatable sub-inch accuracy with an Ardusimple GPS board set. You boys paying $20 000 for that are getting hosed today. My whole GPS system was less than $1000. I have an NTRIP server at the yard with free net hosting. I use my phone to get corrections to the board in the cab. Free after the $1000. That's what a precision ag panel should be discussing. Why is all this ag stuff so expensive?
If you really want to see what 'hobby-grade' can do check out OpenGrade on the Combineforum. I have that using my RTK system on a sc****r. Set your cut line and work sub-inch vertical with that. Free. The guy who wrote and shared that is a saint.
If you really want to see what 'hobby-grade' can do check out OpenGrade on the Combineforum. I have that using my RTK system on a sc****r. Set your cut line and work sub-inch vertical with that. Free. The guy who wrote and shared that is a saint.