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doing a rough survey...

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    doing a rough survey...

    How many would like the word "mandatory" taken out of the checkoff industry to "refundable " or "voluntary" where you would have a choice to not give to organizations not helping primary producers...

    Why can people not ask for my money instead of taking it without permission or without results...

    Pulse crop prices are in the shitter and I don't see a ROI on my checkoff dollars...

    Yes OPT IN is how all these should be, anything else is dictatorial, EXTREMELY socialist. We should be able to see a benefit or VOTE with our wallets.


      I already got two of my refund checks back.

      Am I supposed to feel guilty?


        All commodities should have voluntary checkoff. There is certainly no shortage of useless jackoffs in the beef industry. I don't like subsidizing jackoffs. That being said, Ontario's beef checkoff goes up $1.50 to $5.50 on November 1st. So the jackoffs keep taking more. Apparently the majority of Ontario beef producers are homosexuals because they love to take it up the ass.


          Expect everyone has a little different memory of check off establishment.
          Recall success and popularity of soybean check off in USA.
          That was time of wheat board here in Canada.
          Some said board was ultimate check off, it takes all the money and pays grower whatever it has left after expenses and however else it decides to spend it.
          Also recall North Dakota check off, for a time had special extra levy used against CWB.
          Check off money often matched by governments, made check offs more palatable to growers and governments.
          At time of EEP, export enhancement program, wheat board sold wheat to US when taxpayers were paying for export of their own production.


            Originally posted by farmaholic View Post
            I already got two of my refund checks back.

            Am I supposed to feel guilty?
            No you don’t have to feel guilty! I sure as the hell don’t. They should ask you first if you want to contribute to the check off and not the other way where they take without asking! I am getting really pissed off in my old age!


              I am thinking about a resolution to the SASKPULSE AGM to the effect of having voluntary checkoff where the elevator has to ask if you would care to donate to the saskpulse charity fund........

              Because there is zero return on what they are doing for my farm and since they don't give a shit....I don't either...besides my halftons could use some new tires which would be a better investment for my farm at this time...


                When did the check offs come in and who implemented them? Did farmers get a say in how they were implemented?


                  Originally posted by walterm View Post
                  When did the check offs come in and who implemented them? Did farmers get a say in how they were implemented?
                  Doesn't matter...there is zero value...gotta start cutting costs somewhere...and mandatory checkoffs with no results or representation is not worth it...

                  Like I said a new set of tires is better value than having representatives that don't understand 5.75 peas isn't cutting it while the processors are getting handouts...

                  Meanwhile I think producers are still waiting for ILTA payment ....its been sold and producers are the last guys paid...

                  I haven't seen any contrary comments so far....but I do have a formidable challenge in getting this done by November 15...10 producers to sign a resolution...thats a lot of driving...


                    Originally posted by walterm View Post
                    When did the check offs come in and who implemented them? Did farmers get a say in how they were implemented?

                    Guess what I was getting at is there any way of measuring value for $ paid or penalties for not getting full value when money is spent?


                      Originally posted by walterm View Post
                      Guess what I was getting at is there any way of measuring value for $ paid or penalties for not getting full value when money is spent?
                      I asked the question to two finance people ...one at Saskpulse and one at Pulsecanada...the question was simple...

                      Do you measure the ROI of checkoff dollars back to the farm gate?

                      Both answers is what led to this thread...

                      The backgrounder is simple ....why are the middlemen or industry getting handouts from Protein Industries Canada while primary producers get SFA....You can not have a healthy industries if you ignore primary producer....and 6 dollar peas and 16.5 cent reds lentils is not a return to the farm....While protein Isolate industries can recoup their costs and receive government funding farmers can not...


                        The whole system in Canada is ****ed up. From the seed, tax to make seed companies corporate welfare for life to the useless checkoffs that take the money and do sweet **** all. We have had issues with China for over a year very soon, and what has been done? We get a ****ing loan. Wow.

                        Then this help everyone up the chain and **** the farmer is getting sick.

                        I am owed money from a bankrupt canola crusher and guess what im getting sweet **** all.

                        I as a farmer, am getting tired of getting it up the ass.


                          All of Ag is simply way too many hands in the cookie jar .... any hick up due to weather , markets or brutal politics like we have in Canada leaves farmers with crumbs if we are lucky
                          This has to change , we are literally feeding way too many mouths that are making way more than we are and we take 100% of the risk . It’s unsustainable.
                          So yes , there should be no mandatory check offs for anything we produce. These groups need to earn check offs not just take .
                          And since the pulse and canola tariffs have cost farmers millions they have done ZERO to earn one penny of check off money


                            With regards to checkoffs and the forms/procedure to request OUR money back.
                            Anyone that has current forms and the tech ability to scan them should do so and post them on all/any forums they are on.
                            And if anyone has links or other ways to get as many farmers the ability to request checkoff money back that would help alot.

                            I try and request back all the ones I can for crops I grow/sell.

                            But I would like to even send in requests to organizations for crops I have not grown for a few years just to get the point across!!

                            I think 3 organizations could handle ALL the grains across Canada!!
                            One for cereals, one for oilseeds and one for pulse and special crops.
                            And they should be able to do it with under 20 people per group!!!!


                              And when everything is said and done all three should be on the same page when talking to government....

                              Farmers have tightened their belts plenty ...some of these groups could start tightening theirs...

                              You have a board for saskpulse and half of them sit on Pulse canada board....why?????

                              Both are supposedly representing farmers interests and yet the only guys getting better returns are the guys thumbing themselves not farmers...


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