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Scheer Missed the Open Net?

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    Scheer Missed the Open Net?

    McKay’s take on the federal election. I agree, Scheer just doesn’t have what it takes, but to be fair, where were his advisors? It was as if they wanted to lose the election. They had scandal after scandal(and debt) on Trudeau but never hammered it to the public. The crap with the US citizenship, Scheer couldn’t definitively put that to rest - cripes put a copy of your application to give up US citizenship on-line. The insurance broker thing - he never did answer that with any conviction. Replace him - the sooner the better.

    Conservatives get the fiscal vote not the social vote.Scheer was a social conservative.Social conservatives show up at leadership conventions and get their way.


      Thinking Conservatives need a progressive leader that says exactly what Turdo says/does/believes, on abortion, LGTBQ marriages, march in parades,EXCEPT that he/she is NOT a millionaire CROOK, with NO skeletons in any closets. Society is such now that SOCIAL conservatives will NEVER get elected anywhere any time. Agree?


        Scheer just doesn't light up a room when he walks in. I think he is sensible and smart but a little shy and quite and not really at ease in front of a big crowd. I think he would run the country just fine and a way better than the flamboyant air head with the nice hair.
        Just go walk in a gay pride parade. Who would care.
        Last edited by seldomseen; Nov 1, 2019, 17:14.


          Originally posted by seldomseen View Post
          Scheer just doesn't light up a room when he walks in. I think he is sensible and smart but a little shy and quite and not really at ease in front of a big crowd. I think he would run the country just fine and a way better than the flamboyant air head with the nice hair.
          Just go walk in a gay pride parade. Who would care.
          Maybe staying true to himself and his beliefs means more than selling out to public opinion.


            OR maybe Peter MacKay should get involved......lmfao...


              I said it many times before the election that scheer was a loser. You put o Leary in there instead and he might have been able to pull it off. He had a brash personality, tons of experience in business and a fierce will to win. His no French was a death sentence though. Laugh all you want, but just imagine this country 2 years from now if he had a majority power, we would be a force on the world stage. But, we can never elect in someone who isn't a born and bred polished politician who has an elite force of crooked handlers behind him pulling the strings for personal gain.


                How about grow a set and tell people exactly how it is. Abortion is wrong. LGBTQ is wrong. Maybe stand up for what is right??? Instead of being a pansy pushover. Oh I’m aware that wouldn’t get many votes. What a sick world we live in today.


                  Originally posted by quadtrac View Post
                  How about grow a set and tell people exactly how it is. Abortion is wrong. LGBTQ is wrong. Maybe stand up for what is right??? Instead of being a pansy pushover. Oh I’m aware that wouldn’t get many votes. What a sick world we live in today.
                  Agree SICK but looks like that is the ONLY kind of leader that appeals to a SICK populace! Scheer kind of said those are wrong and immediately branded HOMOPHOBE and right wing Christian with an agenda. So how does one beat that?
                  I guess LIE, say what the majority want to hear, like Turdo.

                  "Maybe staying true to himself and his beliefs means more than selling out to public opinion."
                  But that does NOT get you elected....
                  Last edited by fjlip; Nov 1, 2019, 17:48.


                    In trumps 2nd term he will reverse the sick abortion cult with an overturn of Roe vs Wade then the 300 babies that get knifed in Canada every day will get a voice from someone.

                    I dont know how a rare medical procedure became something available like a take out window.


                      Boys, the phone is ringing. I think it's the 1950s calling.
                      Whatever your beliefs, your not getting anywhere with those ideas except maybe on the culuny, and they don't vote.
                      The glaring point in my mind is that it's now unacceptable to have the same rights and statutes applied equally to all. Reverse discrimination at work.
                      Every cell in the organism for itself.
                      A sign of our times perhaps that someone like Scheer was never going to win. He has to develop a personality or be replaced.


                        Originally posted by blackpowder View Post
                        Boys, the phone is ringing. I think it's the 1950s calling....
                        Your comment wins the Internet today!


                          Originally posted by blackpowder View Post
                          Boys, the phone is ringing. I think it's the 1950s calling.
                          A measure of a society is how it treats its most vulnerable.


                            I’ve said it to my Conservative neighbours and I’ll say it here. There is No Way in Hell that the Conservative Party that is Here Today will get power Again !
                            Get rid of the Evangelical,Anti-Science, Immigrant hating REHASHED Reform party Idiots and Go Back to being PROGRESSIVE Conservative.
                            This party has TOO many crackpots that jump on the wagon- similar to what’s happened to the Republican Party
                            And Yes they Did have a Breakaway with an Open Net and Missed.


                              He won the popular vote but not concentrated in enough seats to win.
                              Instead of throwing Sheer under a bus for what he represents, maybe ask yourselves what the rest of society believes and represents for the Liberals to win a minority. What would it take for a Conservative to appeal to Liberal strongholds? Sadly it might only matter when the electorate has had enough of the Liberal status quo and they get voted against rather than voted for.
                              Yea, it was the Liberal's election to lose based on their track record, .....maybe it says more about the electorate than the Government elected, and there would probably not be a better time than now for that old cliche......that Canadians may just have got the Government they deserve......"again".

                              When food, clothing and shelter are taken for granted.....menial issues arise. And affluence breeds lethargy. When Millenials and late Generation Xer's run out of previous generation's wealth, eyes will open. There is no such thing as something for nothing, everything has it's price. "Charge it"....


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