This financial realty quickly spreading globally . . . .
U.S. Fed now expanding their balance sheet to avoid another potential liquidity crash in financial markets. Fed has gone from talk of 3 rates hikes last year, to 3 rate cuts this year. They have gone from shrinking their balance sheet to expanding due to fallout in recent emergency in U.S. bank repo market. Three (3) American banks have failed in the past ten (10) days. Fire is still burning and not controlled. This list is about to quickly grow . . . .
USD is now declining. With the Fed effectively money printing again, but they say this is not true as that may disturb the flock. Trump wants this to happen to promote exports, but USD weakness is due to wrong reasons (IMO). Citigroup stated this week, USD index may decline toward 85.00.
Group, if Citi forecast is remotely true, our Cdn dollar is heading toward 80 cents U.S. this winter. Currency markets are simply flow of money markets. The loonie trend is now gradually up, but for all the wrong reasons (IMO).
Canada’s energy industry is getting a total re-write, as everyone can now see.
Fracking industry in-disarray as global oil prices decline. Biggest hit . . . Texas.
Bank of Canada continues to insult western Canada with their rosy Cdn economic forecasts to the world.
Loonie is now the ‘chosen one’ among the G-10. Yet, Canada’s gov’t debt can now only be called as ‘explosive’ and totally ‘out-of-control’.
Deepening recession, in Hong Kong, South Korea, Germany, UK.
Stock market continues to thump-its-chest as money is parked at ridiculous valuations . . . .
Expect potential big volatilty in the equity world heading toward year end.
Global commodities will remain mired by deflationary pressures.
U.S. Fed now expanding their balance sheet to avoid another potential liquidity crash in financial markets. Fed has gone from talk of 3 rates hikes last year, to 3 rate cuts this year. They have gone from shrinking their balance sheet to expanding due to fallout in recent emergency in U.S. bank repo market. Three (3) American banks have failed in the past ten (10) days. Fire is still burning and not controlled. This list is about to quickly grow . . . .
USD is now declining. With the Fed effectively money printing again, but they say this is not true as that may disturb the flock. Trump wants this to happen to promote exports, but USD weakness is due to wrong reasons (IMO). Citigroup stated this week, USD index may decline toward 85.00.
Group, if Citi forecast is remotely true, our Cdn dollar is heading toward 80 cents U.S. this winter. Currency markets are simply flow of money markets. The loonie trend is now gradually up, but for all the wrong reasons (IMO).
Canada’s energy industry is getting a total re-write, as everyone can now see.
Fracking industry in-disarray as global oil prices decline. Biggest hit . . . Texas.
Bank of Canada continues to insult western Canada with their rosy Cdn economic forecasts to the world.
Loonie is now the ‘chosen one’ among the G-10. Yet, Canada’s gov’t debt can now only be called as ‘explosive’ and totally ‘out-of-control’.
Deepening recession, in Hong Kong, South Korea, Germany, UK.
Stock market continues to thump-its-chest as money is parked at ridiculous valuations . . . .
Expect potential big volatilty in the equity world heading toward year end.
Global commodities will remain mired by deflationary pressures.