Well after sitting for almost two weeks. We are throwing in the towel on Harvest 2019. The drive to Calgary/Red Deer opened up our eyes that Both Sask and Alberta and Manitoba ag departments are full of shit. A large amount of crop is still out in the fields and with the snow in the mountains and now foothills covering whole fields hiding swaths its time to admit defeat.
**** if it got to plus 20 for four days the snow would still be in the #2 corridor.
Want to see what happens to standing canola with wet snow, yea its really nice. Also,
swaths did blow apart in that wind storm.
So with snow to the north/West and East even if we have min on the crop it's done. The next 7 to 10 look ugly and cold and -21 as I write this.
Our area east central is hooped. Most guys just into their canola some have none off. Lots of wheat and oats and barley out.
We did manage to get to 73% but big deal its a defeat. Mother nature won this year and won big.
Funny it could have been our highest yielder yet.
We did look in Alberta at some Swath turners for hay but very aggressive on the pickup. This would be to turn the swath and get the snow off. Slow the pickup down.
Finally, we booked a harvest crew to take it in spring. Guys will run our three and well supply semis and bins.
Looked at our Crap insurance. HAHAHAHAH
Looked at Ag STab HAHAHAHAH
Talked to the private insurance guys and yea nothing really would come. Because they are basing their payments on your long term Margin. Real tough if last 10 you had one awesome because it finally stopped raining.
So again ag is failed by mother nature because Gov and private want the check but never deliver on the goods.
So have a great winter.
Remember its just a crop that they will tell you in spring its spring threshed so we have to add some more deductions.
Watch your neighbours talk.