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Donald's facing a penalty

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    Originally posted by jazz View Post
    I wish we could trigger chuck so bad that he fcks off to some marxist SJW blog and can bleat his BS there.
    Keep at him guys, you are doing great!
    Better than....watching TURDO get roasted ... https://worldnewsdailyreport.com/new-childhood-pictures-of-justin-trudeau-come-back-to-haunt-him/?amp=1 https://worldnewsdailyreport.com/new-childhood-pictures-of-justin-trudeau-come-back-to-haunt-him/?amp=1
    Last edited by fjlip; Nov 12, 2019, 16:58.


      Originally posted by fjlip View Post
      Keep at him guys, you are doing great!
      Better than....watching TURDO get roasted ... https://worldnewsdailyreport.com/new-childhood-pictures-of-justin-trudeau-come-back-to-haunt-him/?amp=1 https://worldnewsdailyreport.com/new-childhood-pictures-of-justin-trudeau-come-back-to-haunt-him/?amp=1
      Why is none of this making canadas newscasts , lisa , anyone , ?????
      Surely they could squeeze it in between trump beating


        It's so offensive. Yet every radio..tv station continue to replay what Don said..lol.what a gong show.


          They have to play what Don Cherry said because most people ...including Ron Maclean .....missed the "you people" part of the message because thats the way he talks.....

          Good on an 85 year old for telling them to f u ck off more or less...cant even do that here anymore ....


            He shud have said” people kind “instead of u people and everything would have been fine. Chuckle would be more understanding.


              Now,think about this. Rogers has time delay on their broadcasts, so why did they run this Cherry Rant? And why do they continue to run this clip a hundred times today? Hmmm. Its so offensive.


                Sportsnet was awful. But this was whipped up by an online mob, stoked by the “Media Party”, that has always loathed Don Cherry.

                But I have to ask, where was the outrage over Justin Trudeau’s repeated use of “blackface”?

                Where was the ire over Nova Scotia Liberal candidate (and now MP) Jaime Battiste, who once opined: “I assume every skinny aboriginal girl is on crystal meth or pills”?

                No, nothing to see here folks. They’re Liberals. They are judged by a far more forgiving benchmark.


                  Originally posted by redleaf View Post
                  That would be Theodore Roosevelt. Is it offensive ? Not to me but I’m sure it is to some sensitive left leaning types.
                  Well, if he said that, might as well fire up the jackhammers and do some modifications to mount rushmore.


                    I am glad that you guys brought up Theodore Roosevelt. Born October 27, 1858 – Died January 6, 1919

                    He was ahead of his time as a Conservationist and Environmentalist who saw the value in protecting the natural environment.

                    He was also ahead of his time on immigration and equality "if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin."

                    Some of you Don Cherry types could learn a thing or two from Roosevelt on equality and how to show respect to immigrants.

                    I am glad he was quoted here today marking the firing of Don Cherry. It was a good choice of quotes.

                    Roosevelt was a great president unlike the current doofus who is trying hard to undo Roosevelt's legacy.

                    Of all Roosevelt's achievements, he was proudest of his work in conservation of natural resources and extending federal protection to land and wildlife.[144] Roosevelt worked closely with Interior Secretary James Rudolph Garfield and Chief of the United States Forest Service Gifford Pinchot to enact a series of conservation programs that often met with resistance from Western members of Congress, such as Charles William Fulton.[145] Nonetheless, Roosevelt established the United States Forest Service, signed into law the creation of five National Parks, and signed the 1906 Antiquities Act, under which he proclaimed 18 new U.S. National Monuments. He also established the first 51 bird reserves, four game preserves, and 150 National Forests. The area of the United States that he placed under public protection totals approximately 230,000,000 acres (930,000 km2).[146]

                    Roosevelt extensively used executive orders on a number of occasions to protect forest and wildlife lands during his tenure as President.[147] By the end of his second term in office, Roosevelt used executive orders to establish 150 million acres of reserved forestry land.[148] Roosevelt was unapologetic about his extensive use of executive orders to protect the environment, despite the perception in Congress that he was encroaching on too many lands.[148] Eventually, Senator Charles Fulton (R-OR) attached an amendment to an agricultural appropriations bill that effectively prevented the president from reserving any further land.[148] Before signing that bill into law, Roosevelt used executive orders to establish an additional 21 forest reserves, waiting until the last minute to sign the bill into law.[149] In total, Roosevelt used executive orders to establish 121 forest reserves in 31 states.[149] Prior to Roosevelt, only one president had issued over 200 executive orders, Grover Cleveland (253). The first 25 presidents issued a total of 1,262 executive orders; Roosevelt issued 1,081.[150]
                    Last edited by chuckChuck; Nov 12, 2019, 19:28.


                      Chuck Just how in hell can you equate the late 1800s to today,when imigrants got off the boat they didnt get put up in the hilton,they either worked or starved,I know 1 old fellow that lived in a hole in the bank to keep from freezing and ate bush rabits,and i am sure there were lots,
                      Now they arrive in taxis and are assisted by the RCs to a hotel and fed for yrs,tied up in the imigration rules,Question for you how many of those lawyers are also imigrants working the system,then the baby tourisim,come here to calve walk away with untold riches,the taxi system,the trucking industry,
                      A very large part of ilegal drug trade and violence that goes with it,If one was to ask what ethniticy is shooting each other thats classified dont want anyone to know,lots do assimalate but most dont ,go to milwoods in edmonton and white is the minority, is it any wonder we are suffering shell shock,cant even voice a personal opinion any more without being call racist,or bigoted,heres one more to jump on me for,it seems to me most cant speak english but can understand how to milk the system.


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