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Donald's facing a penalty

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    He apologized

    And you believe that lying POS, crook, groper, racist, unCanadian ?


      Cherry has highlighted the problem with Canada. Its not immigrants per see, its a disconnect with the country both its history and its economy. Diversity has lead to disconnection. Today was peak Canada.


        Originally posted by wiseguy
        Hockey's the best game you can name !

        If Don"s gone I am gone !

        See ya cbc/sportsnet !
        You are not much of a hockey fan if Cherry was the only reason you were watching.

        You better give up Budweiser and the Legion too because they both spoke out against Cherry's comments and supported Sportsnet firing him. LOL

        Does Rebel Media cover hockey? They might have an opening for Don.


          Don't feel sorry for Don, he had a great run.

          He's 85!!!

          When I'm 85 no one will notice when I am talking.

          He lived on his storytelling.

          Here are a few from one of his books;

          In Rochester, when I was unemployed, I coached a high school hockey team. It was in Pittsford. Pittsford is a very rich little suburb on the outskirts of Rochester. They have a lot of money and I was unemployed, so I coached the high school. But I never got paid for it. Bob Clark, a lawyer and one-time part owner of the Rochester Americans, who was a good friend of mine who lived there, asked me if I’d coach the high school team,

          The best was when he put Brian Williams and all the bleeding hearts like CC who know nothing about Canada's game in their place when he defended the JR team.

          It was January 4, 1987, and I get a call that I was supposed to go down to the CBC and help Brian Williams with the World Junior Championship. It wasn’t Hockey Night in Canada calling, it was CBC.

          Well, I didn’t really want to go. I just didn’t feel like it.

          The fact is, I had a hangover to start with. Besides, the NFL playoffs were on and I figure who the heck is going to be watching the CBC when the NFL playoffs are on?

          Also, it was kinda dicey whether Canada would win, but if they won this game and the next game, they’d win the gold.

          So the game’s going along pretty good and Canada’s winning, and it’s near the end of the first period. All of a sudden, I look up and all the Russians come on the ice. Well, everybody knows why the Russians come on the ice. They had no chance of winning the gold. Canada had a good chance.

          The Russians watched to see if they were gonna get beat, and they were. The coach sent everybody on.

          Well, the Canadian coach was Bert Templeton, and what’s he gonna do? Pat Burns was the assistant coach. What’s he gonna do? Are they gonna hold their guys there while twenty guys beat up six? So out they go.

          It’s the first time in my life – and I’ve been through hockey for a million games – that I’ve seen every guy goin’ at it. I understand the Canadian trainer punched out their trainer. Even the backup goalies were goin’ at it.

          And if you remember, they couldn’t stop it. The referees just skated off the ice.

          Then they turned off the lights.

          Brendan Shanahan told me after, “You should have seen what we were doin’ while the lights were out.”

          So they finally get broke up and Brian Williams, who’s the host of the CBC show, comes on and says, “It’s a black mark. These boys have to learn that they can not be hoodlums.” And he’s goin’ on like that.

          I understand that one of the team executives went in and gave it to them in the dressing room after, and the kids were crying. And I have to say that the three guys who were doin’ the broadcast and the colour didn’t stick up for them, either.

          So I says, “What the hell? I’ve been on television long enough, I guess,” so I’m gonna go down swingin’.

          So Brian’s goin’ on about it bein’ a black mark and a disgrace and I turned to him and said, “Look, if you don’t send those kids on the ice, what are you gonna do? Are you gonna let twenty Russians beat up six Canadians?”

          I went on like that. I thought I was finished, ’cause you’re not supposed to say that kids should be sent out to beat up other kids and stuff like that. The CBC was a little touchy at the time.

          When we went away for a break, I said, “Brian, if you say about these kids one more time that it’s a black mark against them – you say it one more time – and I’m gonna grab you right on television.”

          He knew I was serious, so he moved his seat.

          He got an extra 20 yrs out of that one but should have quit 10 yrs ago.

          Then no-bodies like Chuck Chuck wouldn't have a chance to preach at him.

          You can still see that one on U-tube.
          Last edited by shtferbrains; Nov 11, 2019, 19:34.


            Originally posted by Partners View Post
            Ron mclean can sit on a hockey stick and rotate.
            What a pecker head.. saving his 500k a yr job..
            I agree, just a weasel of a yes man looking after himself.


              Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
              Canadian Armed Forces wants more visible minorities, Indigenous people in military

              Canada is a multicultural country that has gained a lot from diversity. However, the military is not representative of the nation’s population. Based on the 2016 census, visible minorities made up more than 22 percent of the population, and Indigenous people made up almost five percent.

              As of February 2018, the regular and primary reserve force of the Canadian military numbered 93,953.

              The figure includes 7,569 individuals from ethnic minority groups, representing 8.1 percent. There were 2,566 Indigenous men and women in uniform, or 2.7 percent.

              These numbers were cited in a June 2019 report by the committee on national defence of the House of Commons. Titled Improving Diversity and Inclusion in the Canadian Armed Forces, the document stressed the importance of women, visible minorities, Indigenous people, and members of the LGBTQ community in the military.

              “In today’s complex security environment, a diverse military is viewed as a strategic advantage,” the report stated.

              The report noted that the country’s top general, Jonathan Vance, set 10-year targets to increase the participation of diverse groups. For visible minorities, it’s 11.8 percent by 2026, up from the 2016 level of 6.7 percent. Indigenous people are hoped to constitute 3.5 percent of the military by 2026, up from 2.6 percent in 2016.

              As Munoz mentioned, some progress is being made. The committee report noted that as of January 2019, visible minorities represented 8.7 percent of the military, and Indigenous people 2.8 percent.
              It’s a free country, anyone can sign up . Up to the individual. To make the military enrolment a race issue is kinda pointless. Your going off the deep end the chuck , like a little kid throwing a tantrum is pre school .
              Diversity is a great thing , Canada is a world leader .... just don’t force it down the throats of the population, that’s not right either.
              Not sure what the point is splitting hairs with those stats ... “so what your saying is “ maybe those with lower stats need to be forced to enrol in the military?


                It's disgraceful to fire someone on Remembrance Day, especially when he was sticking up for veterans.

                It's refreshing and inspiring to see someone with enough courage to speak his mind open only and honestly.


                  Devil's advocate, are Axis power citizens and their decendants who fought against the Allies during WW2 but later immigrated to Canada expected to wear a poppy on Remembrance day too?


                    "Then no-bodies ********* wouldn't have a chance to preach at him."

                    Read "liberal" thinking peoplekind...found an accurate quote...Liberal in the dictionary says

                    "A whinging individual of questionable sexual identity, carrying a large chip on their shoulder, completely devoid of humour and prone to extreme beliefs, which they impose on others at great social and financial cost to society."

                    Just watched "Storming Juno", 2010 documentary, very touching/educational. It should be mandatory to view by high school kids, immigrants prior to citizenship. Would educate all about the freedoms we have today, especially FREE SPEECH. Imagine our world if we had LOST.


                      Reading the comments on CBC Cherry article, a lot of backers for Cherry.


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