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Donald's facing a penalty

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    Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
    Canadian Armed Forces wants more visible minorities, Indigenous people in military

    Canada is a multicultural country that has gained a lot from diversity. However, the military is not representative of the nation’s population. Based on the 2016 census, visible minorities made up more than 22 percent of the population, and Indigenous people made up almost five percent.

    As of February 2018, the regular and primary reserve force of the Canadian military numbered 93,953.

    The figure includes 7,569 individuals from ethnic minority groups, representing 8.1 percent. There were 2,566 Indigenous men and women in uniform, or 2.7 percent.

    These numbers were cited in a June 2019 report by the committee on national defence of the House of Commons. Titled Improving Diversity and Inclusion in the Canadian Armed Forces, the document stressed the importance of women, visible minorities, Indigenous people, and members of the LGBTQ community in the military.

    “In today’s complex security environment, a diverse military is viewed as a strategic advantage,” the report stated.

    The report noted that the country’s top general, Jonathan Vance, set 10-year targets to increase the participation of diverse groups. For visible minorities, it’s 11.8 percent by 2026, up from the 2016 level of 6.7 percent. Indigenous people are hoped to constitute 3.5 percent of the military by 2026, up from 2.6 percent in 2016.

    As Munoz mentioned, some progress is being made. The committee report noted that as of January 2019, visible minorities represented 8.7 percent of the military, and Indigenous people 2.8 percent.
    It’s a free country, anyone can sign up . Up to the individual. To make the military enrolment a race issue is kinda pointless. Your going off the deep end the chuck , like a little kid throwing a tantrum is pre school .
    Diversity is a great thing , Canada is a world leader .... just don’t force it down the throats of the population, that’s not right either.
    Not sure what the point is splitting hairs with those stats ... “so what your saying is “ maybe those with lower stats need to be forced to enrol in the military?


      It's disgraceful to fire someone on Remembrance Day, especially when he was sticking up for veterans.

      It's refreshing and inspiring to see someone with enough courage to speak his mind open only and honestly.


        Devil's advocate, are Axis power citizens and their decendants who fought against the Allies during WW2 but later immigrated to Canada expected to wear a poppy on Remembrance day too?


          "Then no-bodies ********* wouldn't have a chance to preach at him."

          Read "liberal" thinking peoplekind...found an accurate quote...Liberal in the dictionary says

          "A whinging individual of questionable sexual identity, carrying a large chip on their shoulder, completely devoid of humour and prone to extreme beliefs, which they impose on others at great social and financial cost to society."

          Just watched "Storming Juno", 2010 documentary, very touching/educational. It should be mandatory to view by high school kids, immigrants prior to citizenship. Would educate all about the freedoms we have today, especially FREE SPEECH. Imagine our world if we had LOST.


            Reading the comments on CBC Cherry article, a lot of backers for Cherry.


              Don was probably given the opportunity to apologize by Sportnet, which obviously he declined. Don did well when he spoke about our Vets and Troops during Coach's Corner.

              Ron Maclean will never be taken seriously by many HNIC fans going forward from this point on. Ron should have only apologized for his part of nodding his head in agreement when Don stated "You People".

              I didn't always agree with Don when listing to Coach's Corner but you had to remember who it was coming from, an ex hockey player, coach and an entertainer, not some polished B.Sing politician.

              Don was loved by many NHLer's which included North Americans and Europeans players. He was also a spokesman for many great NHL players from past decades as he played and coached with and against many of them. That connection will be missed the most by many NHL fans who enjoyed the hockey history lesson.

              One or two words included or left out of Don's rant and F all would have happened!


                Originally posted by sumdumguy View Post
                Reading the comments on CBC Cherry article, a lot of backers for Cherry.
                Doesnt matter cbc will only make a big deal out of the ones that agree


                  I think what I appreciated most about Don Cherry was his lack of political correctness. In this particular case in today's ultra sensitive environment he made a very bad choice of words and I think the message he conveyed was certainly wrong. Having said that those veterans who fought and died did so to protect our freedoms one of which is the freedom of speech. He certainly has the right to speak freely and his employer has the right to terminate his employment if what he says in their opinion reflects badly on them. Personally on the rare occasion that I watched NHL hockey I always looked forward to coaches corner. The fact it will no longer be part of Hockey night in Canada will likely make me less inclined to watch it. Joe Warmington's interview of Don Cherry in the Toronto Sun is worth looking at. Enjoy your day.


                    Originally posted by blueversi View Post
                    I agree, just a weasel of a yes man looking after himself.
                    Very disappointing to see Ron Maclean give into the mob and apologize which essentially threw G****s under the PC bus.

                    Don went to bat twice during MacLeans career after he stuck his foot in his mouth.


                      From Trudeau to Harper nobody cares about our veterans and it seems they both wear poppies.

                      Article Both Harper, Trudeau broke their election promises to veterans:



                        CTV interviews Joe Warmington who brings this into the proper perspective.

                        This is what the country - in every component - will experience when the insane left and their enablers (cc, gf, ff, mm types) get complete control.

                        "...this is a very scary time for Canada..."

                        https://www.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=1826849 https://www.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=1826849

                        Just another example of the payback Prime Minstrel Blackface is getting for the 600 mil of our tax dollars that he gave to media to silence conservatives.

                        That is how it works, folks.
                        Last edited by burnt; Nov 12, 2019, 06:38.


                          i'm assuming cbc/sportsnet will do the right thing and replace Don with a progressive liberal, one who can teach us social values 2 minute each saturday night. :>


                            Originally posted by MBgrower View Post
                            i'm assuming cbc/sportsnet will do the right thing and replace Don with a progressive liberal, one who can teach us social values 2 minute each saturday night. :>
                            They already tried that for the host of HNIC about 5 years ago and got a smug urban Liberal hipster who wore fancy socks like Blackface. This backfired because nobody who liked hockey could stand Strombolopolous.

                            I have a feeling Don will have lots of opportunities elsewhere if he feels like it still.


                              CBC into full destroy mode on cherry this morning. Hiscox even went on to read a comment from a viewer that cherry had a poppy on that wasn't issued by the legion and it was his own design so he was in the wrong and not in line with his own comments. They might have to eat those words when Perry bellegarde hears it because it sure looked like the beaded native poppy he gave cherry on tv at the winter classic. They are now saying the words "you people" can never be used!!!!

                              Why doesnt cbc ask Trudeau his opinion on this matter? Ask him if this is as bad as wearing blackface after his answer.


                                Cherry was not only a bigoted throwback to a long bygone social era he was a poor spokesperson on major issues in hockey as well.

                                In 2011, Cherry apologized in the face of legal threats for referring to NHL enforcers who spoke about the link between concussions, mental illness and substance abuse as “pukes,” “turncoats,” and “hypocrites.”

                                Those are the words of someone who must have taken too many pucks or hits to his head in his short on ice career.

                                What kind of ignorant asshole would say these kind of things to people who have put their health, body, career, and lives on the line? Imagine if your local hockey coach said the same thing to your kids.
                                And Cherry got to say it on TV in front of millions. Unbelievable!

                                Last edited by chuckChuck; Nov 12, 2019, 08:18.


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