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Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

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    Originally posted by SASKFARMER View Post
    Just listened on the noon ag report the new head of the Canadian wheat growers. Man this guy has no ducking clue.

    He just shipped 22000 bus of number one 14.6 so no real problem with Canadian grain and we will fill our customers.

    Again when you have idiots only representing their little piece of canada and the me myself and I representation .

    I’m ok so all you other guys screwed up attitude.

    This is our problem this idiot talks to the gov and all is ok.

    Wow again I know why I canceled this membership.
    yea , **** it , i'm getting ALL my check offs back from now on
    sick of these idiots speaking on my behalf


      Originally posted by foragefarmer View Post

      "Sounds strangely familiar?
      You sound exactly like another on here? "

      Are you referring to Bucket? He stated you could run a cardboard cutout, or a monkey in a blue as a Conservative in his Grassland riding and they would still win.

      I'm sure Case you were taking shots at the left side, your pretty loyal to all Righties on Agriville.

      Not knocking you Bucket, your a straight shooter and your posts are always honest. Red or Blue doesn't matter, you just want one of the political parties to man up and stand up for farmers. You "Fight the Good Fight"
      IN FACT FORAGE ,here is a post from up higher on this very thread , try and read them all, not just the ones that suit you

      "This entitled Sask party needs to go and there are no options
      anyone who lived the dark years could never vote for those socialist pricks again
      liberal? oh my , just puked in my mouth" Reply With Quote


        Originally posted by caseih View Post
        certainly wasn't talking about bucket , wished he would run for premier .

        And to be clear...I won't be looking to become an MLA ....the top job is the only one I would pursue....

        60 is a nice age to think about it.....there will more of a challenge to correct the phuck ups by that point in time to keep me busy....


          Originally posted by caseih View Post
          yea , **** it , i'm getting ALL my check offs back from now on
          sick of these idiots speaking on my behalf
          Checkoffs should be voluntary....when you are cashing up at an elevator you should have the option of how much you should donate to any producer group...

          I am sick of people taking my money and saying they represent me....on a per bushel basis we are stuck in the 50s once its indexed...maybe worse....


            It's like I said earlier the guy from the CWGA was on the radio at noon and it was almost as if he was farming in a whole different world. We have an abundance of grain harvested before the snow so most will grade a 1 with good protein. So the guy basically is in a small pocket outside Winnipeg and the buble he lives in. He has no clue whats going on in the rest of the west. These are our leaders. Complete fools.


              Break time on the political pi$$ing match...........

              Finally got the cows moved out to the last quarter of grazing before the corn and they seem happy and doing well yet. This field had grazing alfalfa seeded mid June and is lower ground that was too wet all summer to drive a quad across without leaving ruts so it’s nice that it finally firmed/ froze enough to get out there.

              The yearlings out in the corn. Some was swathed and the rest wasn’t. Interesting to see how the clean up differs on it. Tested each variety and the protein varied from 10-13.4%

              Grain dryer has been running around the clock for two months and is currently doing the last bin which is hopefully seed so it’s going slow due to the low temp of the plenum.

              Let the banter resume 😉


                Originally posted by newguy View Post
                Moe's 10 year vision for Sask.Oil potash and imigration.Not a peep on agriculture.
                Moe is actually sending over a group to fix Blackface’s mess in India. Our former PM Harper is being brought along to clean up sock boy’s disaster.

                I’m sure all you socialists will be greatful to have a respectable leader who India takes seriously helping us. 👍🏻


                  Fellas the only way they will take us serious is if u don’t plant a single seed. Just imagine the unemployed people begging for a job so they can sell and buy our products. Farmers are mostly great farmers but piss poor business men and they all know we do what we do cause we love what we do but sometimes make our choices based on that not dollars and sense that leave us a proper margin.


                    Originally posted by Goodtime View Post
                    With everything shitty happening in ag it is interesting to see the ceo of Canterra currently arguing with farmers on twitter about how the seed tax is necessary.....yes maybe for their shsreholders but I am not buying their shit.
                    Does Canterra think this will help their sales when they are publicly arguing with farmers that the farmers should pay a seed tax?


                      Woodland nice pictures. Snow is at our place and i think this year is done.

                      Oliver, I saw that with the Cantera guy. I can't believe how stupid he is. This isn't going to help his cause one bit.

                      Corporate welfare is done. Cry me a river seed companies make it like us farmers or go to Russia and Ukraine and see how long your special treatment goes.


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