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Morning Text from P&H

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    This summer I locked in $6.50.
    After moisture and protein deducts, netted $5.50. Lol.
    Today's price..... $6.50. Lol
    No mention of FN here. Checking for sprouts first.
    Last edited by blackpowder; Nov 14, 2019, 19:29.


      Go ahead and sing the praises of pre-pricing unharvested grain of unknown quality.

      This was the perfect year where things can go wrong.

      That fūcken contract without set premiums and discounts for quality other than what's stated on the contract.....is nothing more than ass wipe. YOU ARE STILL CARRYING TOO MUCH PRICE RISK!!! WAKE THE FŪCK UP!!!! You are selling something you might not have! .....and are committed without any say. And the buyer is going to try and TELL you what the quality is. What a fūcked up system, and people want to play into this?

      The GrainCo got what it wanted, a commitment from you for "tonnes", they hold the hammer to discount for off spec almost as much as they want or pay as little as possible for your higher specs. My gawd people!

      But just sell it, and stay in the market with "options", they're almost free and alot of the time expire worthless anyway.

      Then there's all the scams and schemes of offering certain prices for nearby delivery with matching tonnes for deferred delivery!

      Got a check today from a broker who I sold feed wheat through/to, a 1% shrinkage fee was taken. That is almost half a tonne of grain on a 44 tonne load...16 bushels @ $4.65.....$75. I thought wheat shrinkage was .1%. And why are we charged for this anyway? Is it my fault you can't contain product in your facility, who pays for my losses on my farm? Nuts! NOBODY!!!

      And then the "handling" fees some special crops facilities charge....really? Theft!

      I get paid zero to load and facilitate efficiency on fob this farm, I want a loading fee AND handling fee AND shrinkage. We had a truck show up at 6:20 a.m. recently. We've loaded at what would be considered outside regular business hours in the real world at the end of the day......maybe an extra fee for loading before 8 a.m. or after 5 p.m.?

      Give a little back for fūck's sake instead of always taking. Or always looking for a way to screw us out of more value.

      Shameful the shit that is allowed and gets done.
      Last edited by farmaholic; Nov 14, 2019, 20:18.


        How many people make "pricing" agreements that never get triggered? But get a call offering them less? Why make the agreement if they never get triggered? Even more annoying is when a price is "suggested" in an agreement but never gets triggered! Don't waste my time!


          And it’s all coming back from the CGC around here as a #2 with decent falling numbers and doesn’t mean a ****ing thing in the real world
          They just tell you the CGC isn’t buying it
          What a ****ing mess


            Originally posted by farmaholic View Post
            Got a check today from a broker who I sold feed wheat through/to, a 1% shrinkage fee was taken. That is almost half a tonne of grain on a 44 tonne load...16 bushels @ $4.65.....$75. I thought wheat shrinkage was .1%. And why are we charged for this anyway? Is it my fault you can't contain product in your facility, who pays for my losses on my farm? Nuts! NOBODY!!!
            That's standard fare for a feed wheat contract. Nearly every one that i've signed *in my short farming career* has a standard 1% shrink based into the price... No feedlot that I've been to aside from Lakeside Feeders in Brooks takes dockage, so they just tell you we'll only pay for 99% of what you deliver and not waste the time figuring dockage.

            The one that pissed me off was when i sold to a broker based out of the lower mainland and the 1% shrink was again part of the standard contract, but then it went to JBS Lakeside and they have the tenacity to pan your sample and deduct dockage... CBC tried to take the shrink and then also take the dockage. Bitched and moaned till they paid me back for the dockage. Not my fault they didn't do their homework!


              So if I sell them them feed wheat or barley with 15% undesirable unpalatable weed seeds....no questions asked?

              ....right, that's what I thought!


                Originally posted by caseih View Post
                And it’s all coming back from the CGC around here as a #2 with decent falling numbers and doesn’t mean a ****ing thing in the real world
                They just tell you the CGC isn’t buying it
                What a ****ing mess
                They tell us we all have that "Subject to CGC" grading provision...

                I'm not nearly large enough to matter in the grand scheme of things, and lord knows you'll only ever be able to pull that trump card once before they make your life so damned miserable you'll never be allowed back in the facility.

                Some day... I'm going to pull that once at the local elevator that I so dearly despise. I hate that place so damned much, I'd crawl across 1000 miles of mountains to make a penny a load if i could.


                  Originally posted by farmaholic View Post
                  So if I sell them them feed wheat or barley with 15% undesirable unpalatable weed seeds....no questions asked?

                  ....right, that's what I thought!
                  Just make sure you hire a truck you trust, and you can pretty much dump sawdust down the hole as long as your coffee can says it was PRIMO feed wheat...


                    Jesus, stand down. I wasn't singing praises of forward selling. Merely being sarcastic.
                    I'm happy for everyone who has 80 bushel of aeration storage and a dryer.
                    No one forces you to use the same tools the graincos do.
                    Loud and clear you are in a high risk area.
                    If you want to swing a crutch, I suggest bourbon.


                      Originally posted by blackpowder View Post
                      Jesus, stand down. I wasn't singing praises of forward selling. Merely being sarcastic.
                      I'm happy for everyone who has 80 bushel of aeration storage and a dryer.
                      No one forces you to use the same tools the graincos do.
                      Loud and clear you are in a high risk area.
                      If you want to swing a crutch, I suggest bourbon.
                      Lol,.....swinging crutches!

                      Wasn't really directed at you....hope you ducked and I never made contact.

                      When I'm really mad I throw my wheel chair.

                      Everyone needs to realize the insanity.

                      It's the outright lack of respect and being taken for a fool by some GrainCos "tactics".


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