I’m a climate change fence sitter ignorer.
But a tragic death 2 sisters age 1 and 2 died after being left in a car. Back seat presume in baby seats.
Yep you guessed it nutters blaming climate change give it a break .
My wife asked the other night what did the world argue about 30 yrs ago when we were young 20 y olds couldn’t answer that guess we were to busy working hard playing hard partying hard.
But a tragic death 2 sisters age 1 and 2 died after being left in a car. Back seat presume in baby seats.
Yep you guessed it nutters blaming climate change give it a break .
My wife asked the other night what did the world argue about 30 yrs ago when we were young 20 y olds couldn’t answer that guess we were to busy working hard playing hard partying hard.