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    The farm groups will tell guys to use the other exchange. ..

    ICE isn't liquid enough ....for canola...


      $2 bucks a bushel would be the profit margin.


        Originally posted by bucket View Post
        The farm groups will tell guys to use the other exchange. ..

        ICE isn't liquid enough ....for canola...
        You might be on to something there. Matif nearby chart posted a 31 month high for the week ending Nov 22


          Originally posted by bucket View Post
          Anything farm groups have done to improve the finances of the primary producers they say they represent????

          A policy....a variety....a contract ...a grade ...that isn't more expensive to grow ....

          While everyone else gets gets rubber stamped increases to improve their bottom line...

          Just one policy that has helped a primary producer or cattleman improve their bottom line....

          And just one that hasn't said farmers have to tighten their belts while supporting the economy with their exports and no one else is tightening their belts....
          2 Million MT yellow pea market into China (about half our sales) as developed directly by Pulse Canada. It did not exist prior.

          CDC lentil and pea breeding program has had a massive difference affect on our farms.


            Originally posted by dave4441 View Post
            2 Million MT yellow pea market into China (about half our sales) as developed directly by Pulse Canada. It did not exist prior.

            CDC lentil and pea breeding program has had a massive difference affect on our farms.
            6 dollar peas is a good thing for primary producers? Good for you processors maybe....not so good for farmers....

            CDC and saskpulse are ending a partnership....and can you comment on the king red giveaway.....

            Some of you misunderstood the question....let me try again...

            Where is the improvement to the farm gate...maybe you haven't noticed the drop off in net farm income? Its like saying a new decal makes a better combine for that extra 100,000....

            I repeat ...to the farm gate ...to improved financial well being of farmers....no one else has taken a haircut on finances worse than farmers....the railways will be getting an increase to make up for the increased demand from this strike...

            The grain cheques don't look better with what you just said....neither does the net....and it doesn't matter if a guy is growing the newest varieties...

            You guys are missing the point ....and are a disservice to farmers ...if farmers are not successful how can processors be unless you are like other industries on a steady drip of government money...
            Last edited by bucket; Nov 28, 2019, 16:00.


              Originally posted by dave4441 View Post
              2 Million MT yellow pea market into China (about half our sales) as developed directly by Pulse Canada. It did not exist prior.

              CDC lentil and pea breeding program has had a massive difference affect on our farms.

              Saskpulse paid Richard Grey $50,000 plus to "study" wether sending whole peas and lentils to Kazahkstan would have a negative effect on our markets through them using these for seed and becoming competitors.

              Their conclusion was nah, those people are too stupid to do something like that.

              Today? Hmmm... I guess we've found out who is the dummy.

              As far as Pulse Canada "developing" the Chinese market... Give me a break.

              I didn't realize Pulse Canada funded the Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología de Salamanca (IRNASA‐CSIC) in Salamanca, Spain.


                Also current farm gate prices for Russian 12.5% wheat are $5.76 a bushel CAD with 13.5% almost 70 cents higher.



                  Originally posted by Zephyr View Post
                  Saskpulse paid Richard Grey $50,000 plus to "study" wether sending whole peas and lentils to Kazahkstan would have a negative effect on our markets through them using these for seed and becoming competitors.

                  Their conclusion was nah, those people are too stupid to do something like that.

                  Today? Hmmm... I guess we've found out who is the dummy.

                  As far as Pulse Canada "developing" the Chinese market... Give me a break.

                  I didn't realize Pulse Canada funded the Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología de Salamanca (IRNASA‐CSIC) in Salamanca, Spain.
                  Khakistan was given our European market for flax....probably provided clean genetics for them as well ...and since the Triffid event in Canada we got the chinese market as a consolation prize....Khakistan or Russian are building a flax processing plant ...nothing happening in Canada....except the Saskflax board members are per dieming on other so called farm groups....like GGC

                  And once the silk road is done I hope I have more cattle...because no one wants quality grains and if they do ...they are not paying for it....

                  BTW .... Russia has the equivalent of our former crow rate...and have invested in infrastructure...


                    Originally posted by bucket View Post
                    Khakistan was given our European market for flax....probably provided clean genetics for them as well ...and since the Triffid event in Canada we got the chinese market as a consolation prize....Khakistan or Russian are building a flax processing plant ...nothing happening in Canada....except the Saskflax board members are per dieming on other so called farm groups....like GGC

                    And once the silk road is done I hope I have more cattle...because no one wants quality grains and if they do ...they are not paying for it....

                    BTW .... Russia has the equivalent of our former crow rate...and have invested in infrastructure...
                    Yes... and now they are creating a national grains marketing program.

                    Russia is an excellent place to do business in. 60% of our non-farm enterprises' business is to Russia. And we didn't take a penny of Canadian money to further our business.


                      Originally posted by Zephyr View Post
                      Saskpulse paid Richard Grey $50,000 plus to "study" wether sending whole peas and lentils to Kazahkstan would have a negative effect on our markets through them using these for seed and becoming competitors.

                      Their conclusion was nah, those people are too stupid to do something like that.

                      Today? Hmmm... I guess we've found out who is the dummy.

                      As far as Pulse Canada "developing" the Chinese market... Give me a break.

                      I didn't realize Pulse Canada funded the Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología de Salamanca (IRNASA‐CSIC) in Salamanca, Spain.
                      OK, I will bite. What was the first use of yellow peas in china? What are the current uses of yellow peas? What are green peas used for?

                      How do you stop the flow of genetics to a country like Kazakhstan? You cant. All they have to do is order a container of export product and plant it. You can't stop it. Incidentally, lentil genetics don't tend to travel well very far anyway, unlike peas which do travel well. Kazakhstan lentils trade at a discount to Canadian due to poorer split yields. Much of our pea genetics used in Canada came from Europe, our chickpeas industry started with Sanford and Dwelley seed from USA. We just imported seed and planted it. Canadian red lentil industry originated from seed imported from USA under crimson. Canada stole the green lentil industry from Turkey to begin with. Wiped them out and now our competitive pressure is coming from Russia on green lentils. What i am getting at is continued research from both genetics, agronomy and policy is the only thing that will allow us to remain competitive. Sitting on Agriville complaining nothing is being done is laughable at best.

                      Why the f--k i continue to care about this stuff is beyond me. I spent my time at Saskpulse and represented Saskpulse at Pulse Canada as well. Spent 40 days per year on board business plus about one conference call per week. Try making that kind of commitment while running a family farm and a processing company. It was mind blowing the amount of work that was being done and the staff at both organizations are second to none.

                      I had some difference of opinions on how the King Red and Queen green programs laid out but in the end it was handled how it was handled. Both of those programs have been a flop actually, they should have been broad release. Additionally i am not happy about the changes in distribution of seed that will happen in the future. Not happy at all but it is time for a new blood to lead at Sask pulse. The current system of broad release royalty free shot us ahead of the world and provided massive value to growers. Maxim lentils where responsible for putting massive amounts of income into farmers hands a few years ago. We couldn't have road that gravy train using crimson lentils.

                      If the seed program is moved to a royalty system i would guess that there will be a shift to a refundable levy at Saskpulse and you guys can get your levy back and just freeload on the agronomy and policy work that you think isn't happening.


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