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What Jason Kenney and Albertans can learn from Texas

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    What Jason Kenney and Albertans can learn from Texas


    What Jason Kenney and Albertans can learn from Texas
    max fawcett
    Special to The Globe and Mail
    Published 6 hours ago
    Updated November 28, 2019

    Max Fawcett is a freelance writer and the former editor of Alberta Oil magazine and Vancouver magazine. He previously worked in Alberta’s Climate Change Office.

    There may be no other place that holds a more prominent place in the shared imagination of Albertans than the state of Texas. It’s their geopolitical brother from another mother, a place similarly defined by western culture, rugged individuality and billions of barrels of oil and gas. While their numbers and influence have waned as American oil and gas companies retrenched south of the border, there is still a lively community of actual Texans living and working in Alberta. That helps explain why Alberta Premier Jason Kenney visited the state last week in a four-day effort to drum up investment in the province’s oil and gas industry.

    But if he wanted to bring back something of value, the Premier should have returned with a renewed commitment to supporting economic diversification in Alberta. After all, it’s the one area where Alberta and Texas have taken very different paths.

    This probably comes as a surprise to many Albertans. After all, as the home of the shale boom, Texas and its rapidly expanding oil and gas production have both transformed the global oil market and challenged the countries and companies that operate in it. But for all of that activity, oil and gas doesn’t have nearly the same grip on their economic identity (or their economic prospects) as it does in Alberta. It’s only the third-largest industry in the state, behind manufacturing and financial services, and Texas actually has the fourth-most diverse economy in the entire United States. Yes, Texas.

    It isn’t the only oil and gas economy that’s embraced the importance of economic diversification lately. Gulf states such as Qatar and the United Arab Emirates have both made meaningful investments in non-oil sectors, while Russia has tried to grow its tech sector. Even Saudi Arabia has cottoned on to the importance of producing something other than barrels of oil. That’s why it launched Vision 2030, an ambitious (if not entirely realistic) plan to grow the country’s tourism and hospitality industry, invest in health and education services and even sell a piece of Saudi Aramco, the crown jewel of its state-owned oil industry.

    But it’s in Texas where this transition is most obviously under way and where its benefits are already being felt. Thanks to the arrival of tech giants such as Facebook, Google and Oracle, Austin has been one of the fastest-growing major metro areas in the United States over the last decade. Apple recently joined the tech-sector party when it announced that it would be building a new US$1-billion campus in north Austin, which could more than double the company’s existing local workforce of 7,000 people. Its rapidly growing manufacturing sector generated US$226-billion in economic activity in 2017 and accounted for nearly a million direct jobs and more than two million indirect ones in areas like chemical products, computer electronics and motor vehicles.

    How did Texas manage to pull off this feat? By making the most of the advantages it already had, ones that Alberta just happens to share. Both have the same favourable demographics, with more young workers and fewer elderly dependants than most places in North America. Both have well-educated labour pools that are a product of their strong post-secondary systems. Both have tax systems that attract investment and reward prosperity, and comparatively affordable commercial and residential real estate. And both have governments that are actively supporting efforts to attract new businesses and industries.

    Or, at least, they did. In the Alberta government’s most recent budget, it all but abandoned those efforts. Finance Minister Travis Toews described economic diversification as “a luxury,” and the cuts to both post-secondary education funding and a number of tax credits aimed at attracting new tech talent and businesses to the province seem designed to ensure it remains that way. Its decision to take the axe to the programs offered by Energy Efficiency Alberta, ones that had generated $850-million in economic growth in the province since it was created in 2017, means it could once again be the only jurisdiction in North America without energy-efficiency programming. And it even chopped the funding for Alberta Innovates, an organization whose mandate revolves around helping the province’s economy adapt to – and benefit from – technological change.

    It’s not too late for Alberta to shift course here. There is still time to restore the tax credits, re-invest in the province’s post-secondary institutions and embrace the province’s enormous renewable-energy assets. And perhaps Mr. Kenney’s visit to Texas has shown him that investments in non-energy businesses don’t have to be treated as a threat to the old economic order. But this has not been a government that’s demonstrated a lot of ideological flexibility thus far, least of all on matters pertaining to the energy sector. If doesn’t get the rebound in global commodity prices that it seems to be betting so heavily on, this unwillingness to bend could prove to be the breaking point for the rest of the province’s economy.

    Pretty sure Kenney has nothing to learn from some dumba$$ that worked in the office of climate change. I sure hope he has all the climate change fools fired by now.


      Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post

      What Jason Kenney and Albertans can learn from Texas
      max fawcett
      Special to The Globe and Mail
      Published 6 hours ago
      Updated November 28, 2019

      Max Fawcett is a freelance writer and the former editor of Alberta Oil magazine and Vancouver magazine. He previously worked in Alberta’s Climate Change Office.

      There may be no other place that holds a more prominent place in the shared imagination of Albertans than the state of Texas. It’s their geopolitical brother from another mother, a place similarly defined by western culture, rugged individuality and billions of barrels of oil and gas. While their numbers and influence have waned as American oil and gas companies retrenched south of the border, there is still a lively community of actual Texans living and working in Alberta. That helps explain why Alberta Premier Jason Kenney visited the state last week in a four-day effort to drum up investment in the province’s oil and gas industry.

      But if he wanted to bring back something of value, the Premier should have returned with a renewed commitment to supporting economic diversification in Alberta. After all, it’s the one area where Alberta and Texas have taken very different paths.

      This probably comes as a surprise to many Albertans. After all, as the home of the shale boom, Texas and its rapidly expanding oil and gas production have both transformed the global oil market and challenged the countries and companies that operate in it. But for all of that activity, oil and gas doesn’t have nearly the same grip on their economic identity (or their economic prospects) as it does in Alberta. It’s only the third-largest industry in the state, behind manufacturing and financial services, and Texas actually has the fourth-most diverse economy in the entire United States. Yes, Texas.

      It isn’t the only oil and gas economy that’s embraced the importance of economic diversification lately. Gulf states such as Qatar and the United Arab Emirates have both made meaningful investments in non-oil sectors, while Russia has tried to grow its tech sector. Even Saudi Arabia has cottoned on to the importance of producing something other than barrels of oil. That’s why it launched Vision 2030, an ambitious (if not entirely realistic) plan to grow the country’s tourism and hospitality industry, invest in health and education services and even sell a piece of Saudi Aramco, the crown jewel of its state-owned oil industry.

      But it’s in Texas where this transition is most obviously under way and where its benefits are already being felt. Thanks to the arrival of tech giants such as Facebook, Google and Oracle, Austin has been one of the fastest-growing major metro areas in the United States over the last decade. Apple recently joined the tech-sector party when it announced that it would be building a new US$1-billion campus in north Austin, which could more than double the company’s existing local workforce of 7,000 people. Its rapidly growing manufacturing sector generated US$226-billion in economic activity in 2017 and accounted for nearly a million direct jobs and more than two million indirect ones in areas like chemical products, computer electronics and motor vehicles.

      How did Texas manage to pull off this feat? By making the most of the advantages it already had, ones that Alberta just happens to share. Both have the same favourable demographics, with more young workers and fewer elderly dependants than most places in North America. Both have well-educated labour pools that are a product of their strong post-secondary systems. Both have tax systems that attract investment and reward prosperity, and comparatively affordable commercial and residential real estate. And both have governments that are actively supporting efforts to attract new businesses and industries.

      Or, at least, they did. In the Alberta government’s most recent budget, it all but abandoned those efforts. Finance Minister Travis Toews described economic diversification as “a luxury,” and the cuts to both post-secondary education funding and a number of tax credits aimed at attracting new tech talent and businesses to the province seem designed to ensure it remains that way. Its decision to take the axe to the programs offered by Energy Efficiency Alberta, ones that had generated $850-million in economic growth in the province since it was created in 2017, means it could once again be the only jurisdiction in North America without energy-efficiency programming. And it even chopped the funding for Alberta Innovates, an organization whose mandate revolves around helping the province’s economy adapt to – and benefit from – technological change.

      It’s not too late for Alberta to shift course here. There is still time to restore the tax credits, re-invest in the province’s post-secondary institutions and embrace the province’s enormous renewable-energy assets. And perhaps Mr. Kenney’s visit to Texas has shown him that investments in non-energy businesses don’t have to be treated as a threat to the old economic order. But this has not been a government that’s demonstrated a lot of ideological flexibility thus far, least of all on matters pertaining to the energy sector. If doesn’t get the rebound in global commodity prices that it seems to be betting so heavily on, this unwillingness to bend could prove to be the breaking point for the rest of the province’s economy.
      Ummmm , cheap labour force of hard working peoples maybe ?? Might possibly help the majority of those companies.
      Could be wrong .


        What a stupid article. How about the no income tax thing. Facebook and Google dont give a damn about anything else.

        Unfortunately we cant do that because we cant stop the Quebec gravy train.

        What we can lear from Texas is that it has the same size GDP as all of Canada and 2/3rds of the population and 10% of our landmass and a fraction of our resources. The average Texan is 3 times more productive than the average Canadian.

        Every Canadian should hang their head in shame over that fact.

        What we can also learn is that if the federal govt tried to shut down their industry, a second civil war would be a sure bet.


          What we can learn is that when government supports ‘Industry’, and industry broadly means all kind of economic activities that generate jobs, income, taxes, and not the government deciding what industries will be winners and losers, people prosper and private markets sort themselves out based on economics and favourable business environments. When ideologies take over above all else, people suffer.


            maybe chuck can learn something from jason kenny

            https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZGE3T5HztQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZGE3T5HztQ


              Maybe Chuck should go throw some pipe on a Texas rig for a while, or go plow some line. I'm sure he'd come to appreciate some differences if he's ever done it here.

              We definitely could do better here though with many things, agreed.

              We could start by pulling out of CPP.
              Demographics support it, it's cheaper, and we would have a great reinvestment pool.
              We just have to drown out the unions who have been screaming fear and mis information since the proposal.
              Maybe we could get rid of these 19 year old Toronto RCMP kids too.


                Originally posted by Taiga View Post
                What we can learn is that when government supports ‘Industry’, and industry broadly means all kind of economic activities that generate jobs, income, taxes, and not the government deciding what industries will be winners and losers, people prosper and private markets sort themselves out based on economics and favourable business environments. When ideologies take over above all else, people suffer.
                Well that all sounds nice but are you also referring to the grain buying industry? Is it all sorted out? Yes all sorted out so we farmers are getting fkd out of billions of dollars yes billions with a b.

                That article has many truths to it as well
                As some shortfalls. The reality is the oil industry has been over subsidized and controls our provincial governments which has led us down a path of overdependence on an industry subject to all kinds of variations. It is not the future. The future is technology manufacturing of other products not just the fuel of making products which is changing away from fossil fuels. We have the most corrupt political systems going what are our options? Oil controlled puppets or others too far out in the loony bin on save the planet crap.

                As far as equalization yes it’s bad right now but if your sending money to other areas that means you should have excess money at home where your sending it from shouldn’t it? There’s so much corruption in money going to oil people being bought off is why Alberta and sask are broke. 2 governments that cannot manage money no matter how much they had.

                There is no way in hell we should require a provincial sales tax in Sask and then at the same time complain why there is so much federal tax. Both incompetent levels of government.


                  Originally posted by the big wheel View Post
                  Well that all sounds nice
                  What technology manufacturing are you thinking is going to come here? The little high tech type business we have are subsidized up the wazoo like Bombardier. Our auto industry is just a NAFTA gift from the americans. Our biggest technology gains are in resource extraction and even ag. Soon as anyone with a bit of genius steps up the americans suck them down there and make them billionaires.

                  And just a tidbit, Ab and sk have the most sound balance sheets in the country. NB and Ont teeter on the edge of solvency.


                    Originally posted by jazz View Post
                    What technology manufacturing are you thinking is going to come here? The little high tech type business we have are subsidized up the wazoo like Bombardier. Our auto industry is just a NAFTA gift from the americans. Our biggest technology gains are in resource extraction and even ag. Soon as anyone with a bit of genius steps up the americans suck them down there and make them billionaires.

                    And just a tidbit, Ab and sk have the most sound balance sheets in the country. NB and Ont teeter on the edge of solvency.
                    Sorry but that’s the brainwashed mentality that technology in an industry on the way out is good??? There’s lots of opportunities if the amount of subsidy to oil went to food processing, electronic financial systems can occur anywhere, there is so much opportunity but it never gets even looked at it considered because if they were developed there wouldn’t be workers or all the under the table buy offs in the oil industry.

                    Answer honestly do you not think our current government is bought off by the oil industry? Do you really think the screw job we re getting in agriculture primary production is an accident? They want less farmers so more available for he oil industry. We are so over stated in the oil industry that when it really slows down and you’d have to be a lunatic to not see with the electric cars etc that it will slow down we re going to be left so far behind unless we start thinking in those directions. It doesn’t even matter if it’s good or bad for the environment it’s what the world is doing. We keep pounding our heads saying oh no that s all crazy and I think it is but it’s the way the world is headed. Little old us is not going to change it back. The crooks are trying to suck the very last bit of money out of us until it all fails and it will if we re not diversified more than we are. And agriculture is is one area we should be looking at and valued way more than it is.


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