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Captain F$%K Up does it again. Wow Trudeau is Stupid.

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    Originally posted by Horse View Post
    Term of terror,now who is watching cbc, Bringing costs under control from the conservitive past ,how much did the Nds contribute to the costs, no labor contracts were negotiated under the NDs. Sure giving us 500 more cops and sending us the bill ,carbon tax well its back as of the first of jan so that sure helped shutting down c oal fire well guess what they just did a retrofit to gas and we still have power and at 2.30 per jig it should probably be cheaper power,and help out the oil industry, bill 22 that was a marvelous omnius bill, Kenny is following redford in her travels,TAX relief for big business,write down on credit standing.
    Now lets see what the NDS did to offend you so bad??? I supose I could go on but what is the sence of talking to a BLUE FENCE POST
    And in your words, not mine, no labor contracts were negotiated under the ND’s. So what did they do with the +/- $50 billion in deficits they ran over 4 years? Not much to show for multiplying our provincial debt by 6.


      Originally posted by flea beetle View Post
      And in your words, not mine, no labor contracts were negotiated under the ND’s. So what did they do with the +/- $50 billion in deficits they ran over 4 years? Not much to show for multiplying our provincial debt by 6.
      As I rember the failed gov of Jim Prentice had projected a 6 billion deficit ,there was commitments to be met thanks to the 40 yr rein of cons. What about Stelmac and his review of royalties dont that count,Shirley McLeland paying the rent for welfare cowboys for the next 40 yr when she left politics,Lou Hindman and his taking the heratage fund and trading on the NYSE and not even getting a decent return on intrest,Ralph and REREGULATION of the electricity grid.
      Now Kenney wants to give royality holidays to oil to suposidly get oil drilling again,for what still no pipe to move it for 2 more yrs if then. Mabey not a best case senario but Rachel was setting up oil by rail better than nothing.
      Check out the sunshine list and see who set up all those 7 figure salerys,mostly the con govs.
      We are broke and it isnt the NDs fault or very little of it is.


        Originally posted by Horse View Post
        As I rember the failed gov of Jim Prentice had projected a 6 billion deficit ,there was commitments to be met thanks to the 40 yr rein of cons. What about Stelmac and his review of royalties dont that count,Shirley McLeland paying the rent for welfare cowboys for the next 40 yr when she left politics,Lou Hindman and his taking the heratage fund and trading on the NYSE and not even getting a decent return on intrest,Ralph and REREGULATION of the electricity grid.
        Now Kenney wants to give royality holidays to oil to suposidly get oil drilling again,for what still no pipe to move it for 2 more yrs if then. Mabey not a best case senario but Rachel was setting up oil by rail better than nothing.
        Check out the sunshine list and see who set up all those 7 figure salerys,mostly the con govs.
        We are broke and it isnt the NDs fault or very little of it is.
        And yet in those 40 years, Alberta's debt was under $11.5 billion if memory serves me correct. And in 4 years the ND's took it to close to $60 billion. How did the Cons. keep it so low, and then all of a sudden it balloons out of control in the 4 years the ND's are in power? Surely there weren't Cons signing the cheques from 2015-2019? If there were, I assure you the debt wouldn't have reached half of what it was at the end of the ND's term.

        Oh and yes, brilliant plan to put oil on an already overworked rail system that can not keep up with the product they are already moving. A lot safer and cleaner for the environment than a pipeline as well. When have you ever heard of a pipeline taking out a whole swath of a town?

        And as for your blue fencepost comment. I am a youngish guy. The candidates in our area had a debate session, and stated their platforms. After listening to all the candidates I told dad that if I had to vote that day, I would probably vote for the NDP candidate. He made the most sense overall and seemed down to earth. I will tell you what, if looks could kill, I wouldn't be talking to you today. I got told quite a few stories about the NDP of old and had my eyes opened that day. As you can tell, I did not vote NDP in the election, but I also did not vote PC either. I abstained from voting. And I am the happiest man on earth for being able to say that I did not vote for Notley. Everything that the NDP candidate in our area said, was the exact opposite of the direction Notley took the province.

        I don't agree with everything that Kenny has done, but as a whole I believe he is taking the province in the right direction. That is more than I can say Notley did. And I believe most Albertans would say the same. Heck, it was obvious in the last election that they said the same.

        PS.- Was it not one of Kenny's first moves as premier to cut his own, as well as the MLA's wages? He has my respect for that. In essence, he said cuts need to be made, and we will start with ourselves.
        Last edited by flea beetle; Dec 5, 2019, 01:02.


          Originally posted by caseih View Post
          was there last spring , well every spring almost , was walking around big mall for 6 hrs before i saw a person like me
          Gotta love the Toronto bashing on Agriville! When in doubt blame the eastern bastards for all your problems! Blame a politician? That saves having to think about what to say.

          Didn't see anybody who looked like you? Give Doug Ford a CaseIH hat and a pair of Carhartts and he would fit right in at Agribition.

          How could the GTA be so stupid to elect Trudeau? Because they were also stupid enough to elect Doug Ford! Doug "was" popular in the GTA suburbs.

          You can thank Doug Ford for helping to reelect Trudeau. It was a case of voters remorse.


            yea , katherine wynne was much better ,lol
            again i am wondering about your state of mind?


              Case you have a short memory.

              When you bashed Toronto you forgot that much of the GTA supported a Conservative premier in the last provincial election.

              Do you still hate all those Conservative suburbanites that voted for Doug Ford but don't look and dress like a prairie farmer?


                The point of the comment flew right over your head
                You missed it completely
                I will give you a hint , it wasnt about clothes


                  I too voted for Kenny primarily to get rid of Rachel last spring. So far he has done some good things like the pay reduction for MLA's. Should have done more of course but it is a start. Now he is working on reducing the snivel service which is the most important economic issue of all times particularly middle and upper management. If they were to bring bureaucratic pay and benefits in line with the private sector that alone would reduce transfer payments to Ottawa since federal income tax on those fat cat salaries send a lot of AB taxes to Ottawa. Kenny's weakness of course is the independence file. At least enact the firewall like the Alberta Pension Plan etc. Kenny ikely still believes in the fairy tale that a united canuckistan can work but many AB have come to realize that will never be.


                    The Conservative Party voted Trudeau in by running Scheer - the mute deer in the headlights.


                      Originally posted by caseih View Post
                      The point of the comment flew right over your head
                      You missed it completely
                      I will give you a hint , it wasnt about clothes
                      WE already know you are bigot. Should I use the r word too?


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