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Friday end of the Week Wrap up on a Thursday.

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    Oh chuck Montreal the GTA and the maritimes voted for the idiot.


      Originally posted by SASKFARMER View Post
      Someone said or I read we have over 7 trillion of tax potential in the ground in Canada with oil and gas yet we choose to not use it. AGAIN are we brain dead.
      Marxists want people and regions poor, that's how they control them just like they did to the maritimes. Broke them so bad they sent all their kids out and the remainers have to vote liberal now. Trying to replicate that in the west now.

      Canada has so much wealth its not even funny, yet we sit here with a trillion dollar debt. Canada easily has hundreds of trillions of resources. 80T of oil and gas alone.


        Originally posted by bucket View Post
        Trudeau would be in jail already if he was a politician in the states....
        The writ dropped the day after news was circulating that the RCMPs were going to launch an investigation.

        Well parliament is back is session and that's all gone now. Trudeau has to be the dirtiest scuzziest person to ever occupy that PMO. Canada is weaker because of it.


          "Marxists want people and regions poor, that's how they control them just like they did to the maritimes. Broke them so bad they sent all their kids out and the remainers have to vote liberal now. Trying to replicate that in the west now."

          Jazz nobody takes your conspiracy crap seriously. Most of what you say is utter nonsense!


            Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post

            Jazz nobody takes your conspiracy crap seriously. Most of what you say is utter nonsense!
            umm, you might wanna look in the mirror when you say that , and leave out the jazz part, and change conspiracy to "fear mongering"


              Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
              I didn't say covered well "politically". That's not the CBC's job. Leave that to the politicians. The SNC affair and Jody Wilson Raybould were in the news on CBC and every other news outlet for many many weeks.

              The Commons Justice Committee heard from several witnesses and it was all well covered. Word for word.

              Just because you didn't like the outcome doesn't mean the issue was not well covered by the media.
              Not one person took an oath.....that speaks volumes on a justice committee doesn't it?


                What does the justice committee have to do with the CBC's or any other media's coverage?


                  Chuck do you actually believe your own bullshit?


                    Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                    What does the justice committee have to do with the CBC's or any other media's coverage?
                    The point being is the CBC spends 5 times as much time on US politics as they do on Trudeau....shouldnt they cover Trudeau and his team as much....

                    How about highlighting Freeland's Saudis tweets as much as they highlight Trumps daily tirade....

                    Or call in a few experts from different universities about Trudeau's prancing in India and its impact on the western Canadian farm economy...they never make the link

                    Then the CBC will send reporters into the US to different swing states that have zero impact on Canada...

                    WHY? Its a matter of appropriate and consistent reporting ...thats how it relates to the justice committee..

                    No one at CBC even asks why no one took an oath at the justice committee in canada ....its mandatory in the states...


                      Sounds like Chuck wrote the last school curriculum in Alberta.


                        bucket , you are arguing with a red fencepost


                          Originally posted by caseih View Post
                          bucket , you are arguing with a red fencepost
                          Yes ...right...he caught me ...thanks for the heads up not letting me take the next bait.....I will stop now and get back on track of the original thread....


                            I never voted for Trudeau nor do I think he is a great Prime Minister.

                            But are you guys are still sore from losing the last election?

                            That would explain why you are so bitter and angry all the time.

                            It must be the CBC's fault! LOL With so few viewers how can they have so much influence?

                            You sure watch a lot of CBC for viewers who claim it is all bad!


                              CBC always slips in some scary trump coverage for the weak minded. Orange man bad, then the liberals jump all over it to scaremonger, throw some climate scam in there and boom, you create somebody like chuck and greta.


                                So NDP chuck how did that work for you. Oh right you believed the CWB bullshit.


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