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Trump For The Win

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    Trump is calling for a USA and Great Britain free trade agreement after Brexit is finalized.


      New trade blocks are developing and like-minded countries are joining on. Celebrities and the media endorsed the loser in Britain and he got spanked so good. The USA is playing the same game the Democrats don't get that they are going to go down in flames come fall. Canada we elected a shit for brains and were screwed because he laughed at the USA president.

      Ah, skippy stay home you do less damage.


        Originally posted by SASKFARMER View Post
        Ah, skippy stay home you do less damage.
        The British are our allies, founding peoples and fellow commonwealth nation. WTH isn't Trudeau in there offering them a trade deal? Cant go against his globalist slavemasters I guess.


          The Washington Post . . . this morning.



            Errol its positive Friday. I still think the USA will get a deal eventually and Canada will be left out in the cold with it do nothing on trade tactics. Explain why I am right. China needs the USA and they Need China.


              SF you are very negative on a positive Friday. LOL

              Canada, the US and Mexico just signed an amended trade deal that the democrats will support. The next step is ratification.

              What happens between the US and China is very important to our economy as we get the benefits in our trade relationship if the US economy strengthens.

              Few details yet on the China US deal. I doubt all the issues are settled at this point.
              Last edited by chuckChuck; Dec 13, 2019, 08:32.


                Chuck I have a thread for positive Friday this is different.

                If you for one minute think trump will let Trudeau get some cream from his trade deal your dreaming.

                Yes, Cargil will buy grain at a discount ship south and then ship to China for a big profit. Ah, Canada where skippy has made us the laughing stock of the world. Just CBC, media and loyal liberals think he is doing great.


                  The following supported the Labour Party:
                  Gerald Butts and the federal Liberals
                  US Democrats
                  EU leadership

                  This tells you all you need to know.


                    Originally posted by SASKFARMER View Post
                    Chuck I have a thread for positive Friday this is different.

                    If you for one minute think trump will let Trudeau get some cream from his trade deal your dreaming.

                    Yes, Cargil will buy grain at a discount ship south and then ship to China for a big profit. Ah, Canada where skippy has made us the laughing stock of the world. Just CBC, media and loyal liberals think he is doing great.
                    Didn't Trudeau and Freeland have several big name Conservatives advising them on this trade deal? Rona Ambrose I believe. Mulroney? Who else?

                    What do you see that is wrong with the deal when it comes to Canada considering what would have happened with no deal?


                      Originally posted by Oliver88 View Post
                      The following supported the Labour Party:
                      Gerald Butts and the federal Liberals
                      US Democrats
                      EU leadership

                      This tells you all you need to know.
                      They are Becoming the “kiss of death”


                        Originally posted by errolanderson View Post
                        Trump’s ‘dud of a trade deal’ with China just shows the futility of a tariff war . . . . And a big jump in U.S. jobless claims reported today, a fresh two (2) year high.
                        Careful Errol or Jazz and the rest of the Trumpets will be prescribing psychiatric help for you too if you question Trumps boast of a pending great pending trade deal. Does not matter he has made this same claim before and it never happened. Does not matter that he is backing down from his position in a desperate attempt to make a deal. Does not matter that he has been played badly in the past over deals he has made, ie North Korea. Does not matter that fact checkers have documented 13,000 plus times in his presidency that he has lied to the public. No this time he is telling the truth? Ha Ha Ha.

                        The truth is in the details of a deal, none which we no. He can claim the best deal in the world but until that deal is actually signed he has nothing.

                        Here is another report from this morning questioning the validity of Trump's trade deal claim for Jazz to deny: https://www.agriculture.com/markets/newswire/wrapup-8-us-sets-china-trade-deal-terms-sources-say-but-beijing-mum https://www.agriculture.com/markets/newswire/wrapup-8-us-sets-china-trade-deal-terms-sources-say-but-beijing-mum


                          Beans need to pop through 937~ and canola needs to get through 473~ before i get too excited. The gap and go was exciting last night, haven't seen that for what seems like forever. In all honesty i think the oilseed market is phuckered and our canola on canola rotation is to blame. Over producing for the demand. Deal or no deal the demand isn't there globally. Stir in some issues with third world countries inability to source lines of credit moving forward, grow for domestic market. If it goes on a boat it's gonna be tough to give away.


                            Trumpets ? Fm
                            Dml serious question if you could choose between trump and turdo , who would you pick ?
                            Neither is not an option on this question , that is the easy one we would all pick


                              And next question dml, who would you pick if the russians or chinese were coming ?


                                Deal is signed this am. Guaruntees at least $200B purchases by china of US goods including $50B in ag commodities.

                                Sure the chinese could cheat again but then the tarriffs would go right back on.

                                This is as good a PhI deal as they were going to get. There may not be a Ph2 deal. But Trump probably doesnt care. Wants to make sure farmers arent pawns in the trade war.

                                The rest of the trade will be head to head competitive and using other tools. See who can produce it more competitively and keep that US consumer. Tariffs probably morph into currency wars next.
                                Last edited by jazz; Dec 13, 2019, 12:27.


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