What is the point of this post? There is several different trucking companies hauling into that mill every day.
Or do you mean they want to charge more that $8/tonne? Or are your bins placed in a shotgun arrangement with a hicap 7†auger to load with?
It’s so annoying when those that have never hauled grain or anything else criticize those that do. There are lots of good truck drivers that work hard and none of they are getting rich doing it. Many are retirement age and still going.
There is almost no commercial farms around me that don’t run their own trucks. More reasons than simple economics to do it yourself. The few I can think of that don’t are lazy or think they are too special to drive a truck. Whatever, but don’t whine about those out there trying to scratch out a living by doing it.
If you think you can turn into Robin Hood when going east on 33rd street, might be best you don’t try for a 1A on your own...
Or do you mean they want to charge more that $8/tonne? Or are your bins placed in a shotgun arrangement with a hicap 7†auger to load with?
It’s so annoying when those that have never hauled grain or anything else criticize those that do. There are lots of good truck drivers that work hard and none of they are getting rich doing it. Many are retirement age and still going.
There is almost no commercial farms around me that don’t run their own trucks. More reasons than simple economics to do it yourself. The few I can think of that don’t are lazy or think they are too special to drive a truck. Whatever, but don’t whine about those out there trying to scratch out a living by doing it.
If you think you can turn into Robin Hood when going east on 33rd street, might be best you don’t try for a 1A on your own...