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Alberta Fair Deal Panel
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Originally posted by jazz View Post
As Errol pointed out in another thread the downturn in the oil industry is also affecting Houston and Texas. So you can’t blame Canadian politicians. Commodity Booms don’t last forever. High prices bring over production which cause lower prices. Coupled with slower growth in China commodities are in a slump.
I think most Albertans are aware of the downturn in oil prices, but lieberal operatives such as chuck are doing disservice by trying to deflect from the fact that the clown show in ottawa is making the problems worse. This is the biggest thing in AB politics right now and that is getting the independence train accelerating. Kenny is not likely the man for that job unfortunately because of spending too much time in ottawa. AB has two choices today, try to swim on our own or go down with canuckistan. That is the stark reality of our situation today.
Did you guys watch the presenters? Out of 40 people about a 30-40% demanded actions toward independence. 40% didnt want their pensions messed with and love Canada no matter what. 20% hated oil, Jason Kenny, and thought AB was getting a good deal and the panel was a waste of money.
Don't see how any sort of independence would fly. You are looking at a referendum that about 30% would respond yes too.
It clear that AB will continue to get bled dry by the east for a long time yet.
Originally posted by jazz View PostDid you guys watch the presenters? Out of 40 people about a 30-40% demanded actions toward independence. 40% didnt want their pensions messed with and love Canada no matter what. 20% hated oil, Jason Kenny, and thought AB was getting a good deal and the panel was a waste of money.
Don't see how any sort of independence would fly. You are looking at a referendum that about 30% would respond yes too.
It clear that AB will continue to get bled dry by the east for a long time yet.
An independence referendum would have pensioners and government workers pitted against the working stiff. In the UK, farmers were mostly remoaners as they associated the EU with their welfare despite the fact that the UK disproportionaly paid the bill for that. Most 70+ will say things like canuckistan is the best country in the world frequently. That is because they have been the recipients of wealth transfer most of their lives and associate canuckistan with their pension. The currently retired made out like bandits on that deal as they did not contribute enough for the payout they are getting. CPP is a ponzi scheme. So things will have to get worse before they get better apparently.
The separatist sentiment is waning....really too bad because with the conservatives taking their sweet time deciding a new leader ....Trudeau will have another free ride....
I think the conservatives should have decided on April on a new leader and defeated the government asap....they could have done it with Scheer and then picked a new leader....but neither party really cares about Canadians....they care about being MPs and taking more from Canada than they give....
Originally posted by ajl View Post....... In the UK, farmers were mostly remoaners........
Originally posted by wiseguyDump ottawa !
No carbon tax, no GST, no federal income tax, no equalization to Quebec !
# weexit !
In a few years everything east of MB will be getting the dole.
The only chance AB has is a full court press to the supreme court to protect jurisdiction over provincial natural resources.
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