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Just a wee geopolitical issue...

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    Just a wee geopolitical issue...

    US appears to have hell-fired the IRGC Quds Force chief Qasem Suleimani. He is a "Major General" in the IRGC. Tit-for-tat means this will have to be responded to. US has recently relieved CVN 72 with CVN 75(USS Harry S Truman carrier task force), and has LHD 5 (USS Bataan Marine Assault Group) cruising toward the Arabian Sea.

    Oil currently up 3.25%, was near 4% at one point.

    Click image for larger version

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ID:	779272
    Last edited by helmsdale; Jan 2, 2020, 22:00. Reason: spellling...

    Why these dumbasses poke the bear is beyond comprehension. ..the US will kick the shit out of them....not sure Russia will get into it with the US involved .....


      Should of bought oil stocks today.

      Iran should of known better than helping attack the US embassy in Iraq.


        https://twitter.com/MaajidNawaz https://twitter.com/MaajidNawaz

        If confirmed, Iranian Revolutinary Guard commander Qasim Soleimani’s killing either aborts decades of Iranian malfeasance across the Middle East in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon & Palestinian Territories & paves the way to peace with Israel, or we just took a step towards war.
        Again, if confirmed, this is a major blow to Iran & her ability to run wars by proxy in Gaza via Islamic Jihad (and Hamas) and in Syria, Iraq & Lebanon via & Hezbollah, in Yemen via Houthis & her efforts in Afghanistan & elsewhere.
        Iran was utilising a Putin-style foreign policy of ‘managed provocation’ in striking at US & global interests with aim of goading overreactions that reengage US troops in conflicts (eg: oil attacks at Hormuz and Aramco). This strategy relied on US public opinion being against war
        By relying on proxy militia that Qasim Soleimani reportedly established, financed, controlled & directed, Iran was able to push for her interests in unaccountable ways via means beyond diplomacy that usually only a state could run, but with plausible deniability due to proxies
        This regional proxy war allowed Iran to have a leverage when negotiating foreign affairs with Israel, US & Saudi Arabia, and has led to rise of probably the most internationally organised terrorist criminal militia in the form of Hezbollah.
        Being by proxy, US was constrained in how it could react against provocative Iranian escalations. International law sets a high bar for war by proxy. But US may finally have called Iran’s bluff: Iran will have to choose now to either declare war,or reduce her managed provocations
        These strikes have set the stage for such a choice, indicating that the post-Iraq war era of American restraint in the Middle East is over. The gauntlet has been laid at Iran’s feet: “stop hiding behind proxies: surrender or fight out in the open”. It’s a very bold gambit.
        Iran cannot hope to beat US militarily, she can only sow chaos. But her ability to do that (traditionally via Soleimani) may just have been taken out. Leaving her exposed in all client countries. US would likely follow up with further attacks still, to drive home the message
        These strikes, plus 4000 US troop surge to Iraq this week after attack on US embassy in Baghdad (by Iranian proxies) sends a loud message to Iran but also Russia (and China) that US retreat from Middle East & hesitance to engage in conflicts, is over. A new era has been defined
        Again, if confirmed, then the gauntlet has been thrown at Iran’s feet by America. “Come to war with us, or back off once and for all”.

        No one knows how Iran would reply.

        But this is big.
        Important to recal according to US domestic law, Iranian Revolutionary Guard is designated a terrorist organisation. Therefore,US government will rely on counter-terror foreign policy & law defence for allegedly killing Soleimani. The writing was already on the wall months ago


          Both left and right media saying it was a don’t mess with me statement from USA but then it’s been called wrong by left and correct corse of action by right


            Originally posted by A990 View Post
            https://twitter.com/MaajidNawaz https://twitter.com/MaajidNawaz

            If confirmed, Iranian Revolutinary Guard commander Qasim Soleimani’s killing either aborts decades of Iranian malfeasance across the Middle East......
            Well it's been confirmed. Reportedly, the Iraqis are celebrating in the streets.

            The above twitter feed link, from a "counter-extremism organisation", shows some interesting content - the writer points out how the liberal/Democrat west sucks up to the Islamic extremists.

            It escapes me why the liberal left find so much in common with Islamic extremism that they actually cooperate with each other.

            One thing is clear - they are both dedicated to the destruction of fundamental Western values and the Western standards of living that result.

            Welcome to an interesting 2020.


              CBC is reporting that RCMP are watching immigrant population for backlash terrorism. Guess they are searching apartments ( some Syrian) down east for explosives. OMG


                Quite a start to 2020. Got oil?


                  The consequences of this strike will be more dead innocents, but not the people who give the orders. Right or wrong more will die. Why not take out Putin or other despots? Well because they have nuclear weapons. This re-inforce the development of nuclear weapons in Iran and other wanabe's.


                    Only Canada would bring the fox in the hen house then have to spend time and money catching him. Frickin dumb


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