Interesting thoughts and strategies. In my observation of the corn /soybean rotation in much of the Midwest US there seems to me that they are slowly losing the war with weed resistance because of their reliance on roundup. Kochia for us is bad one. Edge for lentils or Clearfield canola really helps. Good old 24D is one that I feel can be hard on the barley but used at the right staging seems to work. Ideally if I can have a four year rotation on crops with breaks on chemical groups I do believe it is manageable. Heat(14) added with the roundup appears to work good. Express (2) really fell short for us. For the first time in probably 30 years I got some liquid treflan and sprayed it on a quarter where I was going after Japanese brome that i knew would come in a barley field that has no in crop choices.
It has been a struggle because it seems we are making cropping decisions based on economic returns and not enough emphasis on sustainability. I was looking at Dwayne Becks stuff online the other day and his "warm season / cool season" strategy makes sense but the short coming is in the economics of some of the crops.
It has been a struggle because it seems we are making cropping decisions based on economic returns and not enough emphasis on sustainability. I was looking at Dwayne Becks stuff online the other day and his "warm season / cool season" strategy makes sense but the short coming is in the economics of some of the crops.