When talking about solar, we need to think about that as a seasonal supplement for about 3 or 4 months of the year. Battery tech is never going to allow us to store from one season to another, so thats done. Niche technology for this latitude. Give some homeowners a grant and get the virtuous to throw some panels up on their roofs. I expect about a 5% of homeowners would do this. Maybe some businesses. You will still need back up, people are not going to stand for summer AC going down with brownouts.
When talking wind, we need to be talking about a intermittent resource that could possibly interact with temporary storage, however it would still need to be backed up.
The logistics of managing 5 or 6 different sources of power and heat would become overwhelming and just stress the grid leading to more brown and blackouts. Why would you start cycling on nat gas and other base units to allow a fleeting intermittent load onto the system. That's never going to happen and that would be irresponsible management of our energy grid.
When talking wind, we need to be talking about a intermittent resource that could possibly interact with temporary storage, however it would still need to be backed up.
The logistics of managing 5 or 6 different sources of power and heat would become overwhelming and just stress the grid leading to more brown and blackouts. Why would you start cycling on nat gas and other base units to allow a fleeting intermittent load onto the system. That's never going to happen and that would be irresponsible management of our energy grid.