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Big Canola headlines this morning and no its Not China is back.

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    Big Canola headlines this morning and no its Not China is back.

    This morning I awoke to two headlines that struck a nerve. It seems the markets thinks farmers are dropping canola because of china.

    "Canola Planting Prospects Dim After China Trade Tussle"

    "Farmers won't be planting much canola this year as the oilseed loses its lustre on China trade woes"

    HAHAHAAH the market is partially right but the reality is farmers are waking up to the fact the Gov of Canada doesn't give a rats ass about the issue with China and has done nothing to straighten it out. Period.

    Farmers also see that the Processors are still making out great crushing the oil and then selling that at a great process. Again farmers are getting nothing because the market is focusing on China.

    Farmers are also seeing other countries buying our cheap canola and then probably not even shipping it to there country just head the ship straight to china are making good profits.

    Farmers are seeing the 2025 or 25 mill acres was all about keeping the industry happy and not helping farmers at all. It just guaranteed a supply to keep the game going.

    Farmers are realizing our farmer groups have done jack shit to push what is happening and actually fell hook line and sinker to what the Trudeau gov was pushing. That is doing sweet **** all.

    Farmers are seeing that Canola is getting so costly to grow and the games with seed costs etc are hurting their bottom line.

    Finally, the once-great crop that a farmer could actually make a buck was taken from us by.

    1. China
    2. Gov doing nothing
    3. Grain Companies
    4. Seed Companies
    5. Farm Groups.

    Take your bow you did really great screwing up a crop.

    Oh, **** the seed tax Trudeau and your carbon tax and any other dream idea you have.
    Last edited by SASKFARMER; Jan 20, 2020, 07:14.

    It’s a chapter in the “Attack Those Rich Battards in The West” book. Power to the East!


      What amazes me is that the Fed gov doesn't even have the canola crisis on their radar. BOBOO can't figure out the carbon tax costs us farmers money how the hell will she figure out Canola is screwed.

      Or is the Carbon tax the fed gov look here to see the carbon tax and well give you it back in a rebate and the china thing is pushed on for another year of doing nothing.


        Only thing on the news is the snow storm that needs government help, Manitoba's premier talking with Trudeau and happy because he is still getting equalization , and the Huawei case starts ....

        Canola doesn't count...it doesn't have any economic benefit ...does it??????


          Follow the money with Manitoba it's really easy to see why he is on Trudeau's side. Broke without his little check from Ottawa.


            More payola. 🤑🤑🤑


              Originally posted by SASKFARMER View Post
              Follow the money with Manitoba it's really easy to see why he is on Trudeau's side. Broke without his little check from Ottawa.
              Yup , Pallister has no option but to kiss Trudeau's ass....he can use the money to help companies like Roquette build there so peas can be trucked in from Saskatchewan....much like our feed grains and livestock going to Alberta for slaughter...

              Meanwhile Saskatchewan builds a bypass that is expensed over 30 years to help the trucks move back and forth quicker around Regina to go back and forth between Alberta and Manitoba...


                Farmers may be dropping canola due to the conflict with China, but the big factor is the cost to grow this stuff. Seed costs have gotten far and beyond past the point of nonsense. We keep buying they will keep increasing ..... that can be said about a million other things.
                When asked by seed companies at the crop show my canola plans for 2020 I said a big fat zero. Told them I’m boycotting due to the insane seed costs, and I wish more would don the same. Their comment like everyone was “but look at the research and technology” that goes into it. I just laughed and said they teach you well.


                  If the R&D was worth it you wouldn't need 100 different varieties renamed by various companies to do the same thing...

                  GM learnt that they didn't need 8 cars on the same platform and started reducing the names...

                  I really don't know why they need the silverado and Sierra ..Same seats, engine and controls in both of them ..


                    I am kind of surprised no one has mentioned a very recent Western Producer article: Canola seed prices not equal. A good read and a bit of an eye opener as to how badly retailers screw over farmers.


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