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Friday end of the Week Wrap up on a Thursday.

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    Friday end of the Week Wrap up on a Thursday.

    Well, its finally getting close to the end of the week. Yesterday was a very very long day as we were off to Brandon with our Crew of Workers. Great day but I made the mistake like the Hutts dropping them off for a quick beer. Way later that evening I finally got everyone ready to go and back to Sask we went. Yea I was the designated driver. A long drive with everyone sleeping. HAHAHA, business meeting and team-building event.

    But like all good bosses and dads. Trucks are started and were going to haul today and clean up some stuff. Play hard and work hard. That's life.

    So this week Skippy comes to Winnipeg and brings BOBOO and the whole crew to party and tell us, common people, how to live.

    For me, it wasn't the $47 dollar a box doughnuts, because skippy supports local. Yes, Tims is Way way cheaper but it's now controlled by NewYork. Nope it was the attitude here is your leader look at me I am god and I can do as a want and you common peoplekind can't do a thing about it.

    The carbon tax is good and it's staying, Yes farmers sent in Bills to BOBOO and she couldn't give a rats ass if it's costing you, farmers, money to bad it's ours.

    Climate Barbie went to Portage and Main and said it is really windy here and cold, Did a selfie with staff and said it's all because of climate change.

    Then Follow the Premier of Manitoba and his love of Equalization to keep Manitoba afloat. I will work with the PM to Bridge Sask and Alberta to get them on our side. Yea like we give a shit about you.

    Unifor comes to Sask and goes directly to jail. What a guy the head of the union is. This man hates Oil and Gas wants Trudeau to be king forever and wears a Goose jacket.

    Then Unifor realizes that Sask hates the Union and really isn't on their side. Like 12% raise is good money even if you have to pay some into your pension. So the fool brings in Goons from all over to spread their message.

    Watch the Irishman and maybe that's what we have going on in Regina.

    Brandon is still the best show around. Free, No parting fees and lots of Black hats and coats. All is good. Come one and all I am just about ready to quit. Lots to see and got what we needed for 2020.

    It froze in Florida this week. Yep neighbour covered my flowers and maybe some oranges froze watch juice go up.

    So who all is switching from Yellow peas to Green. Lets flood the market. $12 vs $6.50. Makes you want and yes boys it is going to happen.

    Here is some news. Global trade will improve but Canada could be left out. Hm Skippy pisses off everyone and people wonder why we can't make trade deals when we are the laughing stock of the world. Trump will get a trade deal with China if they want to sell shit to the USA. Both sides will sign and then countries like Canada with no power will get the scraps. Yea we have problems in Oil but the grain will be the same. Cargill will buy for pennies ship south reload or just head to coast and ship a USA grain to China. Sound familiar. Oh but Skippy and crew know how to run an economy. Yea into the ground.

    Bank of Canada holds but wow skippy isn't doing as good as CBC and all the news were telling us storm clouds ahead.

    The CBC lady that most don't like isn't sticking around seems 300000 viewers aren't a really big market share. Worth the funding, Nope its just a liberal propaganda machine.

    USA retail fertilizer still dropping. Let your supplier in Canada know that. Up up and away.

    Wheat is moving on up. Will our spring harvested be worth more than the fall and its dry.

    Canola prices and FBN. It seems we in Sask in some areas get screwed so bad on Canola seed its not even funny. Ah, this is what the Seed tax will give all grains. Don't ever for once believe were here from the Gov to help you or Business is on your side, Mr. Farmer.

    Where is Sophie, oh she is partying with the X Dutches and Mulroney's wife? Connect the Dots boys and girls they are the elite.

    Everyone is getting money to create a super protein and make food in a lab. Yep here is your fake steak with fake potatoes gravy and peas. Put in microwave and in 5 min you have a healthy (Barf) meal. Oh, farmers, we don't need you we can get all this from the lab. Thanks, gov for the free money to end an industry. Yes, it would be good for farmers if just once these companies wanted to actually pay us for the product. Not pennies but actual dollars. Business 9 farmers 1. They want us gone.

    UN will get its way as Canada is Broke. Then population control and the watering down of your countries with flood immigration.

    Funny I'm almost starting to put on a tinfoil hat because Trudeau wants our guns next for crime and what criminal will give up their gun. Then if one of these criminals actually does crime and they will the liberals will hug a thug and slap them on the wrist and rehabilitate them. Who else is wondering WTF is going on.

    When your Broke living on Kraft dinner in a housing project keeping barely warm all the while the elites are Running the Hunger Games.

    Have a great day the crew is here.

    Oh, the next step in Trudeaus world Gummies is available. Yum but these aren't your kids kind. This is one area I always thought would have great financial potential, way more than the pot. Who wants to smoke in 2020. I use to take a powder for pain relief (no not Coke)in my knee. Well, then they came in a capsule and better but still side effect of heat burn. Now I found a gummy (no not what your thinking) and its a little more money but the same results and it works better no heartburn. So science can create better things. For farmers, all we want with science is to remember us and share a little bit of the wealth. Forget us and its all lab crap.

    Drew spoke and well it seems the Oceans and sun have a lot to do with our climate and movement of the jet stream. Yep, that is so correct. The jet stream gives us wet or dry and how a high or low-pressure move. Well, maybe we might get the crop in April. Melt with min snow than cold April so we won't get too excited to plant and then the big warm-up hopefully.

    Time will tell but so far the grain doesn't look bad. Oh, the grain commission wants spring threshed Canola samples. Well, your getting wheat also.

    The land is still rising in our area go figure but funny a high producing area peaked early then the loss of three large corporate farms one to insolvency and one took their money they had left and went home to Toronto and one cashed out. Now we're climbing again. Hm productivity and steady rainfall is finally coming to play in land prices. Hofer Tours start in couple days.


      Yes, it's kind of nice he is staying in Canada and not speaking or dancing on the world stage. He will need a personal day Friday and Monday like all good part-time do nothing leaders.

      Huawei Lady is having her day in court finally. How will this play out? One way and Canadian farmers and Canola farmers may as well pack up and close the doors. I personally think skippy and crew maybe have found a way out of this. The one law she is being investigated on in the USA we don't have that here in Canada. So maybe they will throw this whole thing out and all will be good. No, always a catch follow the money. She will then hire lawyers and we will have to pay her for her troubles. Canadian farmers will get some canola sales back but only in Canada will the bad guy get paid and your own will not. Hey BOBoo has our back. HAHAHAHAH

      Trump is on the hot seat, yea maybe this is all about the Democrats not wanting all their guys going down with all the corruption of the past all over the world. News on CNN later.


        RedDeer Brandon follow the money. HAHAHAH


          How much carbon does steaming canola emit? Surprises coming out of bins and bags everyday. Turkeys are going to be well fed for 50 yrs.


            Yea your so correct on that.

            Went to a Crop insurance SUMA meeting and found out nothing. But if your crop is lost this winter you still can get Ag stab. Well if the numbers work out and if we feel you deserve a few pennies.

            Oh, why isn't Canada halting all flights to China? Corona disease or whatever they call it. No it's not all flights to Mexico. Who comes up with these names. This is bad people and Skippy and crew should be on it.


              I know but it almost feel good Friday so just staying positive with Ag Stab.


                How is it that fertilizer is trending down in the states and going up in Canada????

                Get yours now is the WP headline...

                Why is it that no one wants to build the required storage. Nutrient owns from the fertilizer production to the retail...why can't they build the required storage?


                  Nutrient puts potash in a railcar for about 175 dollars a tonne...

                  You would think they could move a bit on the price to keep there facilities in operation...

                  Phucking light switch industries....on and off....


                    I have to build storage for my production until I sell to my customer which is the graincos, right???, so why doesn't Nutrien????

                    I know the answer but something is going to have to change in commercial farming and the partnership with industry...

                    Might start a thread to survey who enjoys the slim margins....there was an expert on the radio yesterday saying farmers have to sharpen their pencils and at the same time saying machinery is costing more and farmers should have a machinery replacement fund ......


                      The only thing those three are worried about is their fees being paid to talk nonsense. ...they don't have a clue. ...they are in the same category as Greta...
                      Last edited by bucket; Jan 23, 2020, 11:13.


                        I agree the mental health is masking the real problem and that is equipment costs tripled, seed and all else doubled or tripled and I’m still paid the same price as when I started some 40 years ago. So yes I’m pissed and maybe crazy for still believing it will improve for the farmer. I doubt it.


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