All crop insurance has to do is extrapolate yields into the modern age.....I do like that cop insurance is based on individual crops.....go to whole farm insurance and it could get ugly...where one crop covers off the loss on the poor crop....but premiums should be reduced BUT still racing to the bottom....
I think programs have to be put in place that cover weather events like the last year ....early on and the shit fall we have...
When guys are looking at having the crop in the field that is needed to cover bills it gets pretty stressful....and then crop insurance says the yield is over the production guarantee and it will be counted as inventory on know you are sort of phucked....
I think programs have to be put in place that cover weather events like the last year ....early on and the shit fall we have...
When guys are looking at having the crop in the field that is needed to cover bills it gets pretty stressful....and then crop insurance says the yield is over the production guarantee and it will be counted as inventory on know you are sort of phucked....