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Money woes on Sask Farms.

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    Originally posted by Hamloc View Post
    A couple of things to keep in mind. Those bills are from 2019 and a carbon tax rate of $20 a tonne. January of 2022 that carbon tax rate will be $50 a tonne. That makes the carbon tax on the larger bill $17965.18 without GST. That is a hefty price tag. The theory is that a tax like the C02 tax imposed by the federal Liberal's will change our behaviour. So here is my question Grassfarmer will a grain farmer in the fall of 2022 if faced with the challenge of grain that is to wet to store leave it in the field or will he put it through his grain dryer and pay the carbon tax? How will the carbon tax change his behaviour? I believe he will dry his grain and pay the tax which means this C02 tax is nothing more than a cash grab!
    We already went through this with Chuck a couple of months back. If there is no viable alternative energy source, and not drying either results in spoiled grain in the bin, or lost under the snow, then the CO2 tax on grain drying is not going to serve it's supposed intended purpose of changing behaviours. It will be just an added tax.

    Anad back to the bills. The direct CO2 tax on the bill is only part of the story. All the other charges on the bill, including the gas itself, transportation, infrastructure, administration etc, inevitably already include CO2 tax thanks to the energy consumed in performing those functions. So it is actually considerably higher than indicated.


      The opposition and governing parties in all three prairie provinces along with all farm groups are in favour of removing the carbon tax from drying fuels.

      When the NDP in Saskatchewan offered to work together with the Sask Party on a bi partisan request the the Sask Party said no. They would rather play political games than to be seen working with the NDP.


        Originally posted by grassfarmer View Post
        Thank you fjlip. You certainly have some considerable drying costs and the carbon tax is a significant sum. Roughly speaking on your larger bill it appears to account for 17% of the total, on the smaller one around 15%.
        SF3's implied that the carbon tax accounted for @33% of his bill which seemed a gross exaggeration.
        For fu ck sake grass , you are smarter than that
        It is only charged on the gas not the pipeline/infrastructure in the ground
        Its 39.4 % of the gas supply cost


          Our biggest problem with the carbon tax is that our provincial government does not have their own carbon tax plan for SK. Instead we let Mr Dressup impose their version of carbon tax. Had our government had a plan in place they could of exempted carbon taxes on fuel bought by farmers or any other place they deemed worthy. Scott Moe looks good by fighting the tax but in reality it’s hurting us. I don’t support the carbon tax but SK has to have their own carbon tax plan and after that they can go back to fighting the Feds.


            This entitled bunch of pricks need to go but there are no alternatives


              and just follow this little example through on a bushel of feed grain
              carbon tax charged on the fuel in the commercial truck delivering your seed and all fert
              carbon tax is charged on all machinery manufacturing
              its charged again on the commercial truck delivering chemical and all inputs, all power involved
              then its charged on the drying of that grain , both gas and power
              then it gets pelleted into feed at a mill which is hammered really hard for gas and power carbon tax and then again when it is loaded onto a commercial truck where it is all downloaded to the poor ****ing farmer buying it
              anyone that thinks farmers aren't paying the most c02 tax of all has rocks in their fu king heads
              think maybe we won't be able to compete much longer?????????????????????????????????????


                There is an alternative to using nat gas to dry grain. Its renewable, carbon neutral and has a high unit heat value.

                Burn grain to dry canola.
                Burn biodiesel to dry grain.

                Couple million bushels up in smoke every year. And hopefully some SJWs starve in the process. Should be helpful for prices too.


                  Originally posted by caseih View Post
                  For fu ck sake grass , you are smarter than that
                  It is only charged on the gas not the pipeline/infrastructure in the ground
                  Its 39.4 % of the gas supply cost
                  I believe grassfarmer and the NFU policy are actually in favour of the carbon tax.


                    Originally posted by Oliver88 View Post
                    I believe grassfarmer and the NFU policy are actually in favour of the carbon tax.
                    Some people cling to Marxist socialism no matter what twisted form it takes.

                    Why should Toronto soccer moms get a carbon tax rebate funded by farmers trying to grow their food? Our country is an absolute sick fing joke.


                      Because soccer mom's vote, and businesses don't. Simple economics.


                        Originally posted by wiseguy
                        Google days quebec don't pay no carbon tax !
                        They have a cap and trade scam with California. We should make one with Trump. Anything is better than the govt siphoning off cash directly to their coffers.

                        This is no different than equalization, used to buy votes against our industries.


                          Originally posted by caseih View Post
                          For fu ck sake grass , you are smarter than that
                          It is only charged on the gas not the pipeline/infrastructure in the ground
                          Its 39.4 % of the gas supply cost
                          So if the clutch goes in your tractor and you send it away to get fixed do you only complain about the $700 clutch parts not the labour, shop supplies, trucking that bring your total repair bill up to $12,000? By the examples shown it's only 15-17% of the total bill.

                          My guess is the fuel for drying grain will be exempted shortly anyway - likely a mistake that it was included in the first place by clueless politicians of all parties. Even the Green Party has come out in favour of exempting the fuel used to dry grain.


                            Originally posted by grassfarmer View Post
                            So if the clutch goes in your tractor and you send it away to get fixed do you only complain about the $700 clutch parts not the labour, shop supplies, trucking that bring your total repair bill up to $12,000? By the examples shown it's only 15-17% of the total bill.

                            My guess is the fuel for drying grain will be exempted shortly anyway - likely a mistake that it was included in the first place by clueless politicians of all parties. Even the Green Party has come out in favour of exempting the fuel used to dry grain.
                            Getting rid of the carbon tax on grain drying isn't going to solve the problems going forward....its a feel good win so the liberals don't have to anything for farmers and the conservatives get a small win while ignoring their part in gutting BRM programs...


                              Originally posted by bucket View Post
                              Getting rid of the carbon tax on grain drying isn't going to solve the problems going forward....its a feel good win so the liberals don't have to anything for farmers and the conservatives get a small win while ignoring their part in gutting BRM programs...
                              Oh well, just tell them to leave it on then.


                                Originally posted by grassfarmer View Post
                                Oh well, just tell them to leave it on then.
                                That wasn't the point grassfarmer......its a win win for both sides of government ....nothing really in it for farmers....

                                Its about tackling the issues for the majority of farmers....the liberals have dragged their feet on this issue for quite a while...

                                How long did master card have to lobby to get 50 million that popped out of thin air for them...

                                This carbon tax issue has been a diversionary tactic for 6 months....

                                Scott Moe's government dedicated taxpayers money of 40 bucks an acre for 5 years for irrigation....he could have paid the carbon tax for grain drying and then asked for a refund from the federal government ...

                                Leadership and vision isn't about ignoring the problem.....Moe lacks both.


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