Here is the bank of Canadas balance sheet. You can see the huge run up in the balance sheet at the end of harpers term and ramped up under skippy. But if you look very closely you can see Canadas own QE program started last year. BoC buying 5 and 10 year mortgage bonds for the first time ever to flatten the yield curve and induce more lending growth.
Harper bought securities for a couple years to keep the TSX from cratering during the great recession and quickly repaid it back. Skippys been doing that for the past 5 years during a period of strong global growth and that debt is still on the books, not repaid.
Dont believe a word skippy or the media tells you about the economy. It went into a stall well before the election and its being propped up with debt and stealth QE and Trump.
Harper bought securities for a couple years to keep the TSX from cratering during the great recession and quickly repaid it back. Skippys been doing that for the past 5 years during a period of strong global growth and that debt is still on the books, not repaid.
Dont believe a word skippy or the media tells you about the economy. It went into a stall well before the election and its being propped up with debt and stealth QE and Trump.