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Tmx=Gov Interference National Seed Organization July 2020

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    Originally posted by agstar77 View Post
    Awe shucks ,you mean there is no tooth fairy or Santa Claus?
    For the guys still lounging around in farm groups and political circles with liquid lunches ....actually there is a tooth fairy and Santa Claus. ...

    Companies and their officials like AGT MORRIS ILTA etc are hitting the jackpot regularly..

    Have you noticed how the farm issues are again on the back burner....if we had any leadership from farm groups we would join the blockades and heighten our stature with governments...

    Because whatever the farm groups say they are doing. ...ain't working....


      Apparently Bobo doesnt know what the seed tax is, spending too much time on the kebec dairy file i suppose:

      https://www.producer.com/2020/02/bibeau-should-have-understanding-of-agricultural-file-by-now/ https://www.producer.com/2020/02/bibeau-should-have-understanding-of-agricultural-file-by-now/


        Originally posted by SASKFARMER View Post
        For once I agree with Tom.

        Ritz is long long gone. So enough with the BS about conservatives.

        Liberals are the big show and yes they love to **** western Canadians and BoBoo is so brain damaged you could tell her this is great and she would believe anything.

        Seed is and should never be granted total control to seed companies.

        Canola was ****ed royally and we can’t get it back even if the latest carrot is buy 3 get one free bs.

        This is one fight we need to die on.

        It’s my seed not some useless company telling me they will give me 100 BPA.

        Fu k were almost their and it wasn’t the seed it was weather and fertilizer.

        This is the final nail in Canadian farmers coffin. We lose this I quit.
        Dear Saskfarmer
        On 18hr layover at Trudeau Airport in Montreal
        The Seed Growers Special Meeting was ‘special ‘ no doubt
        The ‘Industry ‘ is shameless... majority at meeting were Quebec Seedgrowers... many are concerned about this hostile takeover by Industry....

        Western Canadian grain farmers have the most to lose as the Industry will confiscate the hundreds of millions we as farmers have invested in genetics over the past decades...using UPOV91 to track through the National Seed Organization... they can force farmers to pay for UPOV 91 enforcement on every one though the Seed Basis... and get a treasure trove of Data to where all the seed genetics are planted and stored...the the seed police and seed co’s will have the records from the NSO umbrella to data check where everything is planted

        No denial forceful rebuttal that is where the NSO going as the CSGA complaint by Industry now is that privacy and data sharing of our seed information is firewalled and not accessible to trade and plant police now.

        I am high on the wall of shame once again for speaking out about grain growers promise to be allowed to have farmers saved seed privileges... and the massive funds western grain growers have invested in seed genetics over the past decades that can easily be confiscated by Crop Life Canada and Seed trade Industry by finishing varieties and owning the rights to extract trailing royalties from commercial grain growers as well as Seed Growers.

        Have a great night... from the top of the wall of Seed Industry shameful exhibit of question of the facts which requires bending the truth to wiggle out of the spotlight.

        Will check in when I get back to ALBERTA

        Sorry I was slow on the pick up of where UPOV 91 was opening us up to pillage supreme opportunity to enslave Agriculture and food production alike as our Seeds are the essence of life and freedom

        Cheers from Montreal... Quebec grain farmers are much more like us in western Canadian grain Farming than many will admit as we have both have the same concerns about Industry domination them in Quebec just like us.



          Originally posted by TOM4CWB View Post
          Dear Saskfarmer
          On 18hr layover at Trudeau Airport in Montreal
          The Seed Growers Special Meeting was ‘special ‘ no doubt
          The ‘Industry ‘ is shameless... majority at meeting were Quebec Seedgrowers... many are concerned about this hostile takeover by Industry....

          Western Canadian grain farmers have the most to lose as the Industry will confiscate the hundreds of millions we as farmers have invested in genetics over the past decades...using UPOV91 to track through the National Seed Organization... they can force farmers to pay for UPOV 91 enforcement on every one though the Seed Basis... and get a treasure trove of Data to where all the seed genetics are planted and stored...the the seed police and seed co’s will have the records from the NSO umbrella to data check where everything is planted

          No denial forceful rebuttal that is where the NSO going as the CSGA complaint by Industry now is that privacy and data sharing of our seed information is firewalled and not accessible to trade and plant police now.

          I am high on the wall of shame once again for speaking out about grain growers promise to be allowed to have farmers saved seed privileges... and the massive funds western grain growers have invested in seed genetics over the past decades that can easily be confiscated by Crop Life Canada and Seed trade Industry by finishing varieties and owning the rights to extract trailing royalties from commercial grain growers as well as Seed Growers.

          Have a great night... from the top of the wall of Seed Industry shameful exhibit of question of the facts which requires bending the truth to wiggle out of the spotlight.

          Will check in when I get back to ALBERTA

          Sorry I was slow on the pick up of where UPOV 91 was opening us up to pillage supreme opportunity to enslave Agriculture and food production alike as our Seeds are the essence of life and freedom

          Cheers from Montreal... Quebec grain farmers are much more like us in western Canadian grain Farming than many will admit as we have both have the same concerns about Industry domination them in Quebec just like us.

          Amazing that there are close to a hundred folks of all ages at the Burger King in the Montreal Airport at 3am waiting for flights later today much laughter and smiling!


            i guess that 9 dollar return for every farmer dollar invested will be coming true for someone...but...it won't be for farmers ....never was...our sask ag minister is an idiot


              it would be pretty easy to stop the seed tax if you could get quebec farmers on side with you.


                Originally posted by bucket View Post
                i guess that 9 dollar return for every farmer dollar invested will be coming true for someone...but...it won't be for farmers ....never was...our sask ag minister is an idiot
                So is it just the seed companies that are behind these changes or is there any producer groups or political parties also in favor? Some of us aren't clear on what is farmers and what is industry's voice any more.


                  Originally posted by walterm View Post
                  So is it just the seed companies that are behind these changes or is there any producer groups or political parties also in favor? Some of us aren't clear on what is farmers and what is industry's voice any more.
                  WCWGA is on board for the seed tax and changes.....as they speak to conservatives MPs on behalf of their seed industry masters. ...I guess they think paying 60 dollars an acre for wheat seed will make them more money....

                  Name an average farmer that wants more costs to their farm????


                    Then farmers start breeding / owning / licensing their own varieties and create companies like Tom's Seed Co. IF it's bad enough, then farmers will be on board.

                    Tom, wouldn't you rather be growing seed for farmers instead of big seed companies?

                    There is always a choice, a different way, if it makes good economic sense you will have farmers do it.

                    But, experience has shown, farmers eat their own so not too hopeful unless it gets really bad.


                      Originally posted by walterm View Post
                      So is it just the seed companies that are behind these changes or is there any producer groups or political parties also in favor? Some of us aren't clear on what is farmers and what is industry's voice any more.
                      Dear Walterm,

                      Some of us are trying to figure out the principal motivation behind the National Seed Organization 'NSO' 'single desk' Umbrella drive to absorb the CSGA, gaining access to CSGA administration records and responsibilities[Patty Townsend and Anthony Parker were the principal drivers in 2014]:

                      1.) Pedigreed Seed farmers who grow pedigreed seed, and then sell this seed to commercial farmer consumers who then are forced to absorb the increased NSO cost of pedigreed Seed production... [thus enhancing the profit of Seed Companies through reduced seed police enforcement costs] is one reason;

                      2.) this then is also a reason the NSO is the perfect 'Seed Trade' tool to download the costs of CPTA [Lorne Headly's UPOV 91 seed police] onto pedigreed seed production/growers [through UPOV 91 CPTA enforcement by implementation of Seed company trailing seed royalties on non-pedigreed seed] directly a seed [administrative/tax] through the yearly acreage fees and Crop Certificate 'user fees'/membership fees; charged by the CSGA to Seed Grower Members... which then becomes a part of the Administrative 'burden' in the Seed Basis that creates the retail seed cost when commercial grain growers buy 'new varieties/Certified Pedigreed Seed.
                      3.) I believe the CPTA seed police believes, as do most of the Seed Companies... that that 'brown bag' farm saved seed is a direct enforcement grain farmer transgression/breaking of the law...which presently is a cost/[lost profit] to Seed Companies and Plant Breeders.... [but Ag Canada Plant breeders are somewhat neutral as levies and royalties from Agriculture Canada varieties go back directly to the Receiver General of Canada... not to the AAFC plant breeder's program directly].
                      4.)'NSO' Data from the Pedigreed Seed Administration duties are perfect raw data info to Seed Companies/Trade...with instant information as to what Pedigreed seed/ of which varieties are in what locations... where they were planted... who pedigreed seed was sold to... how much... etc.

                      will fill in some more questions later, Thx


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